This project uses the existing mongo-perf framework to benchmark the streaming implementation of MongoDB Labs. It modifies the tests and inputs to insert into a stream instead of a MongoDB collection.
The tests that are relevant to streaming have the "streams"
tag, and
Running these performance tests requires a custom mongod to be used from streaming branch of mongodb-labs/mongo, and the streaming branch from labs-modules.
To see details on how to build the server, see the documentation in mongodb-labs/mongo.
First, activate the virtual environment then start up the mongod server from mongodb-labs/mongo
./build/opt/install/bin/mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /data/db --replSet rs0 --logpath /data/log/mongod.log --bind_ip localhost --fork
Once the server is running, connect to mongo and setup the replica set with
Then specify the directory containing the custom mongo shell location and run
python -f <list of testfiles> -t <list of thread configs> -s <shell path> [--trialTime <seconds>] [--trialCount <number of trials] [--summary <output file name>]
For example, to run all streaming tests with 1 thread, 5 trials each test and 5 seconds for each trial, outputting all results into a summary csv:
python -f testcases/* -t 1 -s ~/mongo/build/opt/install/bin/mongo --includeFilter streams --trialTime 5 --trialCount 5 --summary summary.csv
To run only manual insertion tests with 1, and 10 threads:
python -f testcases/streams_manual.js -t 1 10 -s ~/mongo/build/opt/install/bin/mongo --trialTime 5 --trialCount 5
For a complete list of options :
python --help
For further information, see the full mongo-perf documentation at mongodb/mongo-perf.
The spreadsheets for streaming black box performance testing results can be found here.