This project is a fork aimed at continuing to upgrade and maintain original djangocms-filer that became no longer supported and deprecated in 2019
You can install the package via pip:
pip install -e git+[email protected]#egg=cmsplugin-filer
As of release 2.0.0 of this project Python 2.* support is dropped.
A set of cms plugins that replace the plugins shipped with django-cms with versions that use file fields from django-filer.
Starting with version 1.1.0, support for Python 2.6, Django 1.7 or lower and django CMS 3.0.x and lower was dropped. Please pin your dependencies to ``cmsplugin-filer<1.1.0`` for older projects. Starting with version 0.10 support for django CMS 2.x was dropped (table renaming magic removal). Pin your dependencies to ``cmsplugin-filer<0.10`` for django-cms 2.x projects.
- django-filer >= 1.2
- Django >= 1.11
- django-cms >= 3.4
- django-sekizai >= 0.4.2
- easy_thumbnails >= 1.0
- django-appconf
- djangocms-attributes-field
To get started using cmsplugin-filer
install it with
:$ pip install cmsplugin-filer
as documented in the plugins to
:INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'cmsplugin_filer_file', 'cmsplugin_filer_folder', 'cmsplugin_filer_link', 'cmsplugin_filer_image', 'cmsplugin_filer_teaser', 'cmsplugin_filer_video', ... )
You can also set FILER_IMAGE_USE_ICON
in your
to configure
plugin to use 32x32 icons for representing
plugin instances.
The default template in cmsplugin_filer_image
expects the subject location functionality to be enabled.
In version 1.1 there are two backward incompatible changes:
Migrations have been moved back to the standard location. cmsplugin_filer related
setting items must be removed for cmsplugin_filer 1.1 to work
has been moved to filer
(since filer 1.2).
You must update your models and migrations referencing ThumbnailOption
for this to work.
Upgrade process involves updating your models and migrations.
try: from filer.models import ThumbnailOption thumbnail_model = 'filer.ThumbnailOption' except ImportError: from cmsplugin_filer_image.models import ThumbnailOption thumbnail_model = 'cmsplugin_filer_image.ThumbnailOption'
If you use the string syntax (e.g.: thumb_field = models.ForeignKey('cmsplugin_filer_image.ThumbnailOption')
use thumbnail_model
string as defined above (e.g.: thumb_field = models.ForeignKey(thumbnail_model)
If using the model directly you don't have to change the fields definition
For every migration file that references ThumbnailOption
add the following import:
from myapp.models import thumbnail_model
and change all 'cmsplugin_filer_image.ThumbnailOption'
to thumbnail_model
In every migration file add the following import:
from myapp.models import thumbnail_model
and change all 'cmsplugin_filer_image.ThumbnailOption'
to thumbnail_model
to u"orm['%s']" % thumbnail_model
The default template in cmsplugin_filer_image
expects the subject location
functionality to be enabled.
Please note that current develop version moved plugin packages from src directory to project root. This may break your installation if upgrading. Uninstall any previous cmsplugin_filer installation (either from PyPI or from github repository) and reinstall it.
provides integration with
Add this setting to enable it:
This allows dragging images into the text editor in Firefox and newer versions of IE.
Most plugins (file, folder, image and teaser) support configuring custom "styles" (templates).
e.g add the following settings for the image plugin:
CMSPLUGIN_FILER_IMAGE_STYLE_CHOICES = ( ('default', 'Default'), ('boxed', 'Boxed'), ) CMSPLUGIN_FILER_IMAGE_DEFAULT_STYLE = 'boxed'
Now, if a template exists at cmsplugin_filer_image/plugins/image/boxed.html
it will be used. If not, it will fall back to cmsplugin_filer_image/plugins/image/default.html
If a css class in the default template is enough, it can be used in the
template as {{ }}
For backwards compatibility the plugin will always use cmsplugin_filer_image/image.html
if it exists. Remove that
template after migrating to the new structure.
Classes like left
, center
, right
and img-responsive
are given by the plugin to use in your own projects.
To run tests we recommend using tox - the tox.ini file is already pre-configured and ready to use.
Alternatively, to test with packages installed on your system or virutal environment and see the overall test coverage run:
coverage erase
coverage run
coverage report