- Installing cv_camera ros package:
- git clone https://github.com/OTL/cv_camera.git
- (OPTIONAL) -- if error appear:
- git clone https://github.com/ros/roslint.git -- some package require for cv_camera
2. rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y (the best; will install any require dependencies of all packages)
Both launch file xxx_robot.launch and xxx_remote.launch act like bringup in original TurtleBot3 wiki.
Using Raspberry Pi Camera on RPi:
roscore (Remote PC)
- launch on TurtleBot3
- publishing:
- /camPi/camera_info
- /camPi/image_raw
- /camPi/image_raw/compressed
- /camPi/image_raw/compressed/parameter_descriptions
- /camPi/image_raw/compressed/parameter_updates
- /camPi/image_raw/compressedDepth
- /camPi/image_raw/compressedDepth/parameter_descriptions
- /camPi/image_raw/compressedDepth/parameter_updates
- /camPi/image_raw/theora
- /camPi/image_raw/theora/parameter_descriptions
- /camPi/image_raw/theora/parameter_updates
- launch on Remote PC
- publishing:
- /pi_opencv_img
- subscribing:
- /camPi/camera_info
- /camPi/image_raw
Using USB Camera on RPi:
roscore (Remote PC)
- launch on TurtleBot3
- publishing:
- /camPi_USB/camera_info
- /camPi_USB/image_raw
- /camPi_USB/image_raw/compressed
- /camPi_USB/image_raw/compressed/parameter_descriptions
- /camPi_USB/image_raw/compressed/parameter_updates
- /camPi_USB/image_raw/compressedDepth
- /camPi_USB/image_raw/compressedDepth/parameter_descriptions
- /camPi_USB/image_raw/compressedDepth/parameter_updates
- /camPi_USB/image_raw/theora
- /camPi_USB/image_raw/theora/parameter_descriptions
- /camPi_USB/image_raw/theora/parameter_updates
- launch on Remote PC
- publishing:
- /pi_usb_opencv_img
- subscribing:
- /camPi_USB/camera_info
- /camPi_USB/image_raw
Using USB Camera (PC use only)
roscore (Remote PC)
- launch on Remote PC
- publishing:
- /camUSB/camera_info
- /camUSB/image_raw
- /camUSB/image_raw/compressed
- /camUSB/image_raw/compressed/parameter_descriptions
- /camUSB/image_raw/compressed/parameter_updates
- /camUSB/image_raw/compressedDepth
- /camUSB/image_raw/compressedDepth/parameter_descriptions
- /camUSB/image_raw/compressedDepth/parameter_updates
- /camUSB/image_raw/theora
- /camUSB/image_raw/theora/parameter_descriptions
- /camUSB/image_raw/theora/parameter_updates
- launch on Remote PC
- publishing:
- /usb_opencv_img
- subscribing:
- /camUSB/camera_info
- /camUSB/image_raw
All launch file with xxx_remote.launch will run Image converter node ("image_converter_pi_node.py", or "image_converter_pi_usb_node.py" or "image_converter_usb_node.py") which require args -- args="38 80 10" ---> gamma, alpha, beta. The value depending on the camera-calibration shapen the image quality --- rosrun turtlebot3_camera sharpenCalibrate_xxx_node.py
- roscore (Remote PC)
- roslaunch turtlebot3_camera cameraPi_robot.launch (TurtleBot3)
- roslaunch turtlebot3_camera cameraPi_remote.launch (Remote PC)
- rosrun turtlebot3_camera sharpenCalibrate_pi_node.py (Remote PC)
- roscore (Remote PC)
- roslaunch turtlebot3_camera cameraPi_USB_robot.launch (TurtleBot3)
- roslaunch turtlebot3_camera rangeDetectorPi_USB.launch (Remote PC)
- rosrun turtlebot3_camera sharpenCalibrate_pi_usb_node.py (Remote PC)
- roscore (Remote PC)
- roslaunch turtlebot3_camera cameraUSB_robot.launch (Remote PC)
- roslaunch turtlebot3_camera rangeDetectorUSB.launch (Remote PC)
- rosrun turtlebot3_camera sharpenCalibrate_usb_node.py (Remote PC)
Use to find the color range (upper/lower) -- require an args -- args="HSV 38 80 10" where HSV is colorspace, and 38, 80, and 18 (gamma, alpha, beta) from image sharpenCalibrate_xxx_node.
- roscore (Remote PC)
- roslaunch turtlebot3_camera cameraPi_robot.launch (TurtleBot3)
- roslaunch turtlebot3_camera rangeDetectorPi.launch (Remote PC)
- roscore (Remote PC)
- roslaunch turtlebot3_camera cameraPi_USB_robot.launch (TurtleBot3)
- roslaunch turtlebot3_camera rangeDetectorPi_USB.launch (Remote PC)
- roscore (Remote PC)
- roslaunch turtlebot3_camera cameraUSB_robot.launch (Remote PC)
- roslaunch turtlebot3_camera rangeDetectorUSB.launch (Remote PC)