Made by @kilianvalkhof
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PostCSS plugin for writing Dutch Style Sheets.
Take CSS to the next level and write your CSS in Dutch!
$ npm install postcss-dutch-stylesheets
// ES5
var dutchStyleSheets = require('postcss-dutch-stylesheets')
// ES6
import dutchStyleSheets from 'postcss-dutch-stylesheets'
See PostCSS#Usage for usage for your environment.
Using this input.css
.foo {
hoogte: 300px;
ondermarge: 10px;
tekstgrootte: 20px !belangrijk;
achtergrondkleur: zwart;
kleur: wit;
you will get:
.foo {
height: 300px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
font-size: 20px !important;
background-color: black;
color: white;
has only a subset of CSS and needs your help to add more Dutch properties and values.
Postcss-dutch-stylesheets is fully based on postcss-german-stylesheets by timche, all credit goes to them.