All data is in /leanote/data volume. We can mount local data folder for this volume. More details from this wiki
- latest, full-featured, full-featured-2.5 (Dockerfile)
- alpine, alpine-2.5 (Dockerfile)
- full-featured-2.4 (Dockerfile)
- alpine-2.4 (Dockerfile)
- full-featured-2.2.1 (Dockerfile)
- alpine-2.2.1 (Dockerfile)
The latest and full-featured image contain wkhtmltopdf for export pdf.
Download app.conf from Here
Then update mongo section:
# mongdb
db.dbname=leanote # required
db.username= # if not exists, please leave it blank
db.password= # if not exists, please leave it blank
# or you can set the mongodb url for more complex needs the format is:
# mongodb://myuser:mypass@localhost:40001,otherhost:40001/mydb
# db.url=mongodb://root:root123@localhost:27017/leanote
# db.urlEnv=${MONGODB_URL} # set url from env. eg. mongodb://root:root123@localhost:27017/leanote
mkdir -p leanote-data/{files,mongodb_backup,public/upload}
version: '2'
image: jim3ma/leanote:full-featured-2.4
network_mode: "host"
- ./leanote-data:/leanote/data
- ./app.conf:/leanote/conf/app.conf
restart: always