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Update to latest (9/27) toolchain.

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@billabt billabt released this 19 Aug 03:12
· 496 commits to master since this release

This release minimally requires use of the swift-3.0-RELEASE toolchain or the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-09-27-a toolchain which is recommended.

  • Compatible with Xcode 8 General Release using one of the above toolchains.
  • Added password property to Configuration.
  • Removed verifyConnection() function from delegate. Now handled internally.
  • Ensured that OpenSSL libraries are only initialized once.
  • Minor change to initialize delegate function of SSLServiceDelegate. SSLService.inititalize(isServer:) became SSLService.initialize(asServer:).
  • Loosened up the too stringent certificate verification process.