Sample plug n play devDuino V2.2 client for my nRF24L01 field gateway projects.
The onboard ASSHA204A makes provisioning easier as each device is guaranteed to have a unique identifier. (In coming versions of the software I will use the encryption capabilities).
With some gateways (e.g. AdaFruit.IO) the device will be configured "automagically" on first update and it's just a matter of changing the feed name to something human readable. For other gateways (e.g. Microsoft IoT Central) I use a label maker to print the device ID on the outside of the enclosure which can then be used for manual configuration.
I have put in basic power conservation code which gives 4-6 weeks battery life depending on RF Power and update rate configuration so plenty of scope for improvement.
These devices are only USD18 each (Feb 2018) so I pass them out into the audience at conferences as part of SmartAG (temperature, humidity and light levels) or industrial monitoring (acceleration, temperature and proximity) scenario simulations.
This clients uses
- devDuino V2.2
- SeeedStudio Grove-Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- SeeedStudio Grove-Universal 4 Pin Buckled 5cm Cable
Would most probably work with devDuino Relay 1 Node as it has an ATSHA204A as well.
I have "automagic provisioning" (hold the buttons down on the device & field gateway and they will find each other, like WPA) under development.
Setup called
SNo:01 23 32 66 C6 FE 0B 8D EE
TH02 setup
nRF24 setup
Setup done
Loop called
T:28.9C H:72% B:3.23V
Payload length:30
nRF24 write
Write Ok...
nRF24 power down