Using the discipline of TDD, build a game of tic tac toe.
The game should allow a human to play against an AI. The AI should be unbeatable. The game should have a user interface of some kind. Rules
The game is played on a 3x3 grid.
You are X, your opponent is O. Players take turns putting their marks in empty squares.
The first player to get 3 of their marks in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.
If all 9 squares are full and no player has 3 marks in a row, the game is over.
- Create basic/terminal version first
- Would like a visual representation of the game that is not just in the terminal
- Cell as a class
- [["x", "o", ""], ["x", "o", ""], ["x", "o", ""]].flatten
- [{1a: "x"},{1b: "o"},{1c: "o"},2a,2b,2c,3a,3b,3c]
#Psuedo code 1_|| 2_|| 3 | | a b c
update_grid(coordinates) (starting player is always x)
calculate_score([x,x,x],[o,x,""],["","",""]) => "Player 1 wins"
place_an_x_within_the_grid # updates the grid
check_win_condition # After every turn taken by human or computer
place_an_O_within_the_grid # updates the grid
check_win_condition(grid) # After every turn taken by human or computer
update_grid(player, position) if player = 1 place_an_x_within_the_grid(position) else place_an_O_within_the_grid end
display empty grid
player enters co-ordinate and hits enter
displaying an x in that grid
checking for win state -break on win/drawstate
arbitary UX pause
code calculates optimum O position
code updates grid to include 0
displaying a 0 in that grid
checking for win state -break on win/drawstate
reopen terminal/UI for player
consider whether the :x/:o element of the win condition can be refactored further to include all 3 winning line position (i.e. full row, full column, diagonal)
Plan to contain everything within a class so that we have access to instance variables for things like turn
- neither win/draw
- win conditions are possible
- win conditions are possible && draw conditions are possible
- only draw conditions are possible
- full grid game is a draw
1|2|3 4|5|6 7|8|9