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KlevisImeri committed Nov 23, 2022
1 parent 26b3f6d commit 32da1ce
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Showing 17 changed files with 561 additions and 291 deletions.
100 changes: 0 additions & 100 deletions CnvCharNum.c

This file was deleted.

14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions CnvCharNum.h

This file was deleted.

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,3 +6,21 @@ Takes a function as an input and and the higher and the
lower bound.
It integrates ofer that interfal.
Ptint's out the result.

##For professors

Dear professor,

I continously have pushed my code into git. The reason
is that if anything happens to my laptop I would still
have a backup plan. Therefore, you may find some git
folders in it.
You will also have the file. If you are on linux
you can run it with bash and it will compile the code
if you have gcc installed.
I have only tested my code in linux with the gcc com-

Kevis Imeri
Binary file modified a.out
Binary file not shown.
136 changes: 122 additions & 14 deletions chararray.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "charlib.h"

Parameter: array and the size
Return: None
Prints array in array format in the console
It prints the array in the console. The format:
{ elm1, elm2,...., elmN }
void print_char_array(char *array, size_t size){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,19 +38,18 @@ void copyarr(char* destination, char* source, size_t size_source){
Asks the user to input the mathematical expression
and dynamically allocates the char array for the
expression. Returns the pointer to the array.
Array format: {'(' expression ')'}
The format of the array created: {'(' expression ')'}.
char *take_expression(size_t *size){
size[0] = 1;
char c;
//clering scanf from any unwated '\n'
while(scanf("%c", &c) == 1 && c != '\n'){};

//Creating the array
char *expressionArr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*size[0]);
//if(expressionArr == 0) return NULL;
expressionArr[0] = '(';
char *expression = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*size[0]);
if(expression == NULL) return NULL;
expression[0] = '(';

//Asking the user
printf("Enter the function: ");
Expand All @@ -62,27 +63,134 @@ char *take_expression(size_t *size){
//Extending the array.
//+2: 1 for newchar and 1 for ')'
char *newArr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(size[0]+2));
if(newArr == 0){
if(newArr == NULL){
printf("Error: The array couldn't dynamically allocate!");
return NULL;
//Coping the previous array to the newone
copyarr(newArr, expressionArr, size[0]);
copyarr(newArr, expression, size[0]);
//Putiong the newchar in
newArr[*size] = c;
//Freeing the previos array
//Making it point tho the new one
expressionArr = newArr;
expression = newArr;
//The size increased by one
//Putting and ')' at the and for the format
expressionArr[size[0]] = ')';
expression[size[0]] = ')';

//compesatig for +2
//print_char_array(expressionArr, size[0]);
//printf("Size of expression: %ld\n", size[0]);
return expressionArr;
//print_char_array(expression, size[0]);

return expression;

int is_expression_valid(char *expression, size_t size){

//cheking if it is empty size>2
printf("ERROR! You wrote nothing!\n");
return 0;

//Using one loop to chechk the conditions (more efficient)
int number_of_openbracket = 0;
int number_of_closebracket = 0;
int one_after_the_other = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<size; i++){
//Chechking if the number of closing and opening brackets is the same
//If they are not than expression not valid
if(expression[i] == '('){
}else if(expression[i] == ')'){

//Chechking if operations are one after the other
//Example: 3*+4 (this is not valid expression)
if(is_binary_operator(expression[i]) && is_binary_operator(expression[i+1])){
printf("ERROR! You have two binary operations one after the other!\n");
return 0;

//Chechking if user inputed a valid is fucntion (small letter)
if(is_small_letter(expression[i], 'x')){
//what_fucntion returns 0 for invalid functions
// printf("%c", *(expression+i));
// printf("%d", what_function(expression+i));
printf("ERROR! You may have spelling mistakes or inputed a word which is not a fucntion\n");
return 0;

//Cheking if user puted the variable multiplication on parantheses


if(number_of_openbracket != number_of_closebracket){
printf("ERROR! You didn't close a bracket!\n");
return 0;

return 1;

- size |is the pointer to the size of the array
- expression | imputed by the user as a dynamically allocated
| char array
- size | of the char array (pointer)
Uses the take_expression() function to take expression form the user and
then uses the is_expression_valid() function to check if the user imputed
a valid input. If not it loops until the user enters a valid expression.
When the user enters a valid input it returns the dynamically allocated
array of the expression.
char *take_valid_expression(size_t *size){
char *expression = take_expression(size);
int valid = is_expression_valid(expression, *size);

//Check validity if not, clear and repeat
while(valid == 0){
//free the expression

printf("Press Enter to continue...");
//Waiting for the enter
char c;
while(scanf("%c", &c) == 1 && c != '\n'){}

//take expression from user
expression = take_expression(size);
//Check for bad memory allocation
if(expression == NULL){
printf("ERROR! The memory cound't be allocted!\n"
"Check if you have enough memory in your device.");
return NULL;

valid = is_expression_valid(expression, *size);
//print_char_array(expression, *size);

return expression;
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions chararray.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,5 +8,7 @@
void print_char_array(char *array, size_t size);
void copyarr(char* destination, char* source, size_t size_source);
void *take_expression(size_t *size);
int is_expression_valid(char *expression, size_t size);
char *take_valid_expression(size_t *size);


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