An AutoHotkey script aiming to enable WASD movement on Last Epoch.
How to run:
1- Install AutoHotkey:
2- Double-click the "LE WASD" script
3- In the game, unbind the keys : "W" "A" "S" "D"
4- Bind skills 1 through 4 to "Q", "E", "R", "F", if you want to use custom bindings for skills they probably will work but will work a bit better if you open the script with a text editor and then search and replace "Q", "E", "{Q" etc with the new bindings.
5- You can press f9 to stop the script, or right-click it on the tray and click Exit
Known issues: May not work as well at lower framerate (under ~40), May not work on non-16:9 resolutions
License: Open source, no attribution needed