Proposal for Orbital 23
Team Name: KoBe
Proposed Level of Achievement: Project Gemini
Motivation Well, there has always come a time whereby avid gamers wonder, hmm…, What if one fine day, I am able to create my own game that would satisfy most if not all of my innermost desires? Simply because games, like many other objects in the real world, cannot be created to fulfill the wants of everybody. This project will serve as a stepping stone, the very first at that, in our attempts to create a game that we can proudly call our own in time to come. This game will serve as a testament of our passion and motivate us to achieve even greater feats in the near future.
Aim We want to gain a first-hand taste of what developing a game is like. This, of course only serves as a precursor to more excitements and frustrations that would come our way as we struggle to learn what it takes to be a full-fledged game developer. We are not necessarily doing so to specifically become a game developer in the future, but because it is our dream and passion to be able to create a game that we can proudly call our own. By the time Orbital ends, the game would definitely still have much more room for improvement. We hope that whoever plays this game will be that bit happier, and would temporarily forget about their current worries and difficulties. So long as this is achieved, then there is nothing more that we can hope for.
User Stories
There is a leaderboard to allow players to compete against others. We have challenging bosses to give players a tangible obstacle to overcome. We have different game modes to satisfy the wants of the players. We have different blocks to make the environment treacherous to navigate. We have relics that players must collect to beat a level
Features and Timeline Our single-player RPG 2D platformer game would have multiple levels with differing difficulty
The player would be able to move left-right and jump
Environment consists of different flooring (Collapsing blocks, Mushrooms to jump on, floating and moving platforms etc.)
There would be power-ups (shiny animated fruit objects) that grant momentary abilities (double jump, speed up, empowered jump, extended attack range, increased attack damage, invulnerability etc.)
There would be checkpoints along the way, so that upon falling off the map / dying, the player would be respawned at the last saved checkpoint. The last checkpoint would be the end point, where the player completes the level and is brought back to the home page
The platformer would have a variable amount of features depending on our progress rate (may not have different game modes, boss levels and/or audio depending on progress)
In order to focus on game experience and user interactions, we would forgo complete originality in designing of avatars and background, utilizing free assets in the marketplace and modifying them accordingly, giving credit to what was used from the open marketspace
Additional features : Bosses, additional modes, puzzles, leaderboards, timed escapes
Features implemented by Milestone 1: Simple Player Movements (including left-right and jump) Simple scene design with the use of TileMaps and Palettes A box object for the Player to interact with (Push, Grab and drag the box along the platform) A respawn mechanism for fallen box, fallen or dead Player in the scene with the use of a death zone, respawn scripts A movable platform between two waypoints Spikes that cause the player to respawn A dummy trophy to represent the endpoint (to be substituted with an ancient relic asset later on) Features to be completed by the mid of June:
A single completed level The levels would consist of at least 1 checkpoint based on its design, NPCs, power-ups, an ancient relic as the game completion agenda
Avatars and their interactions with the environment The avatar can jump and walk on the terrain in the map, attack NPCs, push and pull boxes
Progress in-game (time elapsed, number of lives remaining etc.) would be displayed at the top of the in-game screen and progressively updated
Features to be completed by the mid of July:
User friendly interfaces for (Starting screen, ending screen, credits screen, leaderboard, basic settings screen for sound volume, music volume etc.)
A feedback option under settings to garner anonymous user feedback
Implementations of background music, voice lines of avatars (optional)
Complete a level design with a combination of different blocks, number of NPCs, some terrain puzzles which require the pushing or pulling of boxes to activate switches
Tech Stack
- Unity
- C#
Qualifications Nothing more than the computer science courses we have gone through so far, with some online courses on Unity game development