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#4: Proposal for type aliases:
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dnpetrov committed Apr 25, 2016
1 parent e37c89e commit 27f5f13
Showing 1 changed file with 159 additions and 39 deletions.
198 changes: 159 additions & 39 deletions proposals/
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Expand Up @@ -2,39 +2,71 @@

* **Type**: Design proposal
* **Author**: Dmitry Petrov
* **Contributors**: Andrey Breslav, Stanislav Erokhin
* **Contributors**: Andrey Breslav, Stanislav Erokhin, Vladimir Reshetnikov
* **Status**: Under consideration
* **Prototype**: In progress

## Feedback

Discussion of this proposal is held in [this issue](

## Use cases

* Avoid repetition of types in source code without a cost of introducing extra classes.
* Function types
* Collections (and other complex generics)
* Nested classes
* ...
Type aliases provide alternative names for existing types, for example:
* Function types
typealias MyHandler = (Int, String, Any) -> Unit
## Restrictions
typealias HtmlBuilderAction = HtmlBuilder.() -> Unit
Java has no notion of "type aliases" and can't see them in class member signatures.
typealias Predicate<T> = (T) -> Boolean
* Collections (and other generics)
typealias NodeSet = Set<Network.Node>
For the same reason we can't enforce "newtype"
(type alias with limited assignment-compatibility with its underlying type)
in Java.
However, this would be possible with value types.
typealias FilesTable<K> = MutableMap<K, MutableList<File>>
* Nested classes
class Outer {
class Nested {
inner class Inner
typealias Something = Outer.Nested.Inner
and so on.

Type aliases do not introduce new types.
Instead, they are fully expanded, and are equivalent to the corresponding underlying types.

Use **value classes** to define new types (which are not assignment-compatible with the corresponding underlying types,
but do not introduce overhead related to additional heap allocations),
Value classes will be supported closer to [Project Valhalla]( release.

**NB** Java has no concept of "type aliases" and can't see them in class member signatures.

## Type aliases and tooling

IDE and compiler should be fully aware of type aliases:
* Diagnostic messages
* Descriptor rendering in IDE (completion, structure view, etc)
* ...

## Type alias declarations

Type aliases are declared using `typealias` keyword:
: modifiers 'typealias' SimpleName (typeParameters typeConstraints)? '='
: modifiers 'typealias' SimpleName (typeParameters)? '=' type
Variants and constraints for type parameters of the generic type aliases are not allowed.
> Type alias can't introduce additional constraints for generic type parameters.
> Repeating constraints of the underlying types would be a boilerplate.
> If there is a constraint violation error during type alias expansion,
> it will be reported with additional details about type alias expansion context.
Type aliases can be top-level declarations, member declarations, or local declarations.
Expand All @@ -61,8 +93,8 @@ typealias FilesTable = Map<String, MutableList<File>>
* Generic type aliases
typealias Predicate<in T> = (T) -> Boolean
typealias NodeBuilder<T : Any> = T.() -> DocumentationNode
typealias Predicate<T> = (T) -> Boolean
typealias NodeBuilder<T> = T.() -> DocumentationNode
typealias Array2D<T> = Array<Array<T>>
* Nested type aliases
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,35 +141,94 @@ typealias IntIntList = List<Int, Int> // Error: wrong number of type argum
interface I<T : Any>
typealias NI = I<String?> // Error: upper bound violated
typealias IT<T> = I<T> // Error: upper bound violated
typealias IT<T> = I<T> // Ok, but see below
typealias NIT = IT<String?> // Error: upper bound violated
// (with detailed information on type alias expansion context)
typealias Array2D<T> = Array<Array<T>>
typealias Illegal = Array2D<Nothing> // Error: type 'Array<Nothing>' is illegal
// (with detailed information on type alias expansion context)

If an underlying type of generic type alias does not use an type parameter, it is a warning.
typealias Encoded<E> = ByteArray // Warning: generic type parameter E is not used in underlying type
> We can't support phantom types, since type aliases are equivalent to underlying types.
> Type aliases are equivalent to underlying types.
> So, in the example above, instances of `Encoded<E>` with different type arguments will be equivalent types:
> interface Encoding
> typealias Encoded<E : Encoding> = ByteArray // Warning
> object Utf8 : Encoding
> object Iso : Encoding
> fun processUtf8Encoded(data: Encoded<Utf8>) { ... }
> fun processUtf8Encoded(data: Encoded<Utf8>) {} // fun (data: ByteArray)
> fun processIsoEncoded(data: Encoded<Iso>) {
> // Both 'Encoded<Iso>' and 'Encoded<Utf8>' are expanded to 'ByteArray'.
> // So, regardless of the design intent, the following call is ok:
> processUtf8Encoded(data)
> fun processIsoEncoded(data: Encoded<Iso>) { // fun (data: ByteArray)
> processUtf8Encoded(data) // Ok
> }
> However, if we prohibit such type aliases, it creates unnecessary long-term commitment for generic type aliases.
> Since it is not an error for generic classes,
> NB this is not an error for generic classes.
Type arguments of a generic type alias should be well-formed types (type projections).
interface NN<T : Any>
typealias Predicate<T> = (T) -> Boolean
typealias E1 = Predicate<NN<Int, Int>> // Error: wrong number of type arguments
typealias E2 = Predicate<NN<Int?>> // Error: upper bound violated
Type arguments of generic type aliases are substituted syntactically.
typealias Dictionary<V> = Map<String, V>
typealias Predicate<T> = (T) -> Boolean // = Function1<T, Boolean>
typealias TMap<T> = Map<T, T>
typealias Array2D<T> = Array<Array<T>>

typealias T1 = Dictionary<*> // Map<String, *>

typealias T2 = Predicate<*> // Ok (but not very useful):
// Function1<*, Boolean> = Function1<Nothing, Boolean>

typealias T3 = TMap<*> // Map<*, *>

typealias T4 = Array2D<out Number> // Array<Array<out Number>>
> Type aliases are not types, but rather "macros" on types.
> Type alias behavior for projection arguments can be counter-intuitive.
> E.g.:
> typealias Array2D<T> = Array<Array<T>>
> fun foo(a: Array2D<out Number>) {} // fun (a: Array<Array<out Number>>)
> fun bar(a: Array2D<Int>) { // fun (a: Array<Array<Int>>)
> foo(a) // Error: type mismatch
> }
> **NB** `Array2D<T>` above is an example of bad usage of type aliases:
> it exposes representation of some high-level concept ("two-dimensional array").
> which causes leaking abstractions.
> Make `Array2D<T>` a class (or, better, an interface) to capture abstractions properly.
> typealias TMap<T> = Map<T, T>
> fun <T> foo(m: TMap<T>) {} // fun <T> (m: Map<T, T>)
> fun bar(m: TMap<*>) { // fun (m: Map<*, *>)
> foo(m) // Error: cannot infer type parameter T
> }
> In this example, information that both parameters of `Map<T, T>` are the same type is lost.
> It could be preserved by introducing existential types (`TMap<*> = exists T : Any?. Map<T, T>`),
> but this would open even bigger can of worms in the type system.
## Type aliases and visibility
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,7 +271,8 @@ val x: A = ... // Error: val x exposes typealias A which is private
fun foo(): A = ... // Error: fun foo exposes typealias A which is private in file
## Type aliases and resolution
## Resolution
Type aliases are treated as classifiers by resolution.
* When used as type, type alias represents corresponding unabbreviated type.
* When used as value, as function, or as qualifier in a qualified expression,
Expand All @@ -197,8 +289,14 @@ typealias A = Any // Error: type alias A is conflicting with class A
### Type aliases as types
Type aliases in type positions (function and property signatures, inheritance lists, etc)
are equivalent to the corresponding underlying types.
Thus, the following are errors:
are expanded to the corresponding unabbreviated types.
typealias Str = String

val hello: Str = "Hello, world!" // 'hello' has type 'kotlin.String' denoted as 'Str'
All relevant restrictions are checked for unabbreviated types. Thus, the following are errors:
typealias Str = String
typealias NStr = Str?
Expand All @@ -220,7 +318,8 @@ typealias Empty = Nothing
fun throws(): Empty = ... // Error: return type Nothing should be specified explicitly
### Type aliases as values
### Type alias companion object
Type alias as value represents the companion object of an underlying class or interface,
or an underlying object.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,7 +347,8 @@ val EmptyList = emptyList() // Error: val EmptyList is conflicting w
> Same should be true for type aliases.
### Type aliases as constructors
### Type alias constructors
If a type alias `TA` expands to a top-level or nested (but not inner) class `C`,
for each (primary or secondary) constructor of `C` with substituted signature `<T1, ..., Tn> (P1, ..., Pm)`
a corresponding type alias constructor function `<T1, ..., Tn> TA(P1, ..., Pm)`
Expand All @@ -258,9 +358,7 @@ which can conflict with other functions with name `TA` declared in that scope.
class A // constructor A()
typealias B = A // Error: type alias constructor B() is conflicting with fun B()
fun B() {} // Error: fun B() is conflicting with type alias constructor B()

class V<T>(val x: T) // constructor V<T>()
typealias ListV<T> = V<List<T>> // Error: type alias constructor <T> ListV(List<T>) is conflicting with fun <T> ListV(List<T>)
fun <T> ListV(x: List<T>) {} // Error: fun <T> ListV(List<T>) is conflicting with type alias constructor <T> ListV(List<T>)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,12 +430,34 @@ interface Derived : Base {
fun test(): Derived.Nested = ... // Error
## Type aliases and tooling
## Type aliases in binary metadata
IDE and compiler should be fully aware of type aliases:
* Diagnostic messages
* Descriptor rendering in IDE (completion, structure view, etc)
* ...
> Abbreviated types should be present in the serialized signatures.
> Note that additional check is required: if a type alias expansion gives a different type,
> we can't use corresponding abbreviated form (due to incompatible changes).
> We would still be able to compile against such binaries, just without abbreviated types in diagnostics.
> Probably this should be a warning.
> Example:
> ```
> // file: a.kt
> typealias A = Int
> ```
> ```
> // file: b.kt
> val x: A = 0
> ```
> Now suppose `a.kt` is changed, and type alias `A` is now defined like:
> ```
> typealias A = Number
> ```
> and, for some reason, `b.kt` is not recompiled.
> Then `x` in `b.kt` has type `kotlin.Int`, but its abbreviated form `A` expands to `kotlin.Number`.
> We still can use `x` as `kotlin.Int`, but a warning should be reported
> to indicate that there's something wrong with the dependencies.
## Type aliases and reflection
Expand All @@ -349,4 +469,4 @@ TODO
## Extensions in stdlib

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