- A visualizer website for Graph Algorithms, where you can see a detailed explanation and animations of important algorithm in runtime and build the intuition.
- make or edit your graphs by clicking/drag&drop on the drawing board.
- also contains a script editor to make your graph from script(if it's taking longer to draw by clicking)(feature unstable but still you can give it a try).
I have spent a hard time understanding and viualizing graph-algorithms, so i decided to build a visualizer which will animate the graph in extreme detail and help you to understand and build your intuition for graph algorithm better. Happy learning😃
- Vanila/javascript (didn't feel the use of external libraries till now😅,might use external libraries later in journey of completing this project).
- planning to add more animations
- build similar project for Sorting
- 1)Depth first search(TRAVERSAL ALGORITHM)
- 2)Breadth First search(TRAVERSAL ALGORITHM)
- 3)Dijsktra algorihtm(SHORTEST PATH ALGORITHM)
- 4)Prim's algorithm(MINIMAL SPANING TREE)
- 5)Kruskal algorithm(MINIMAL SPANING TREE)
- 6)Algorithm for finding CUT POINTS
more animations will be added.....
- to add a node choose the "add" button from the above panel and click on the workspace a node will be added.
- to delete a node choose the delete button from above pane and click on the node ,the node will be deleted.
- to connect two nodes choose the connect button, click on a node the node will be foccused, now click on other nodes to connect the foccused, to remove the foccus click on a empty place the current foccused node will be removed.
- you can choose the type of connection to add between nodes ,the following are the supported types:- "unidirectional unweighted" "directional unweighted" "unidirectional weighted" "directional weighted".
- to delete a connection between two nodes click on the connections in delete mode.
- to move a node choose the move button, and now you can drag and drop the nodes to desired position.
- Use scroll button to zoom in and zoom out.
- click with middle button and drag to move the workspace.
- choose a foccus node.
- choose the desired algorithm.
- click on "bake animation" button to prepare the animation.
- now you can click the "play button" to watch the animation.
- after clicking play the play button will change to stop.
- you can drag the animation slider to jump to desirable stage of animation.
- also you can use the arrow buttons near the play button to move the animation forward anf backward.