Introduction to Project System (oms)
Our online mentor system is a web based that can be used to manage students and mentors so that the process of managing students and their documents can become digital. We have three modules in our system an admin panel, mentor panel and a student panel.
The project is divided into three categories: Mentors Login, Students Login and Admin Login. In an overview the admin must perform all the management parts whereas the student can upload documents, submit queries, pay their fees, view their profile and mentors can manage students according to their department exam year. They will notify the students for their attendance and can collect their documents. They can view students list which are assigned under them.
Moving on, this online grading system project in PHP focuses mainly on the managing students and their documents. This system is based on the process of storing and managing students records in the schools/colleges. It is built at that level that a beginner can also understand. The admin has full control over the system which includes student’s management, mentor’s management, documents management, queries management.