One of Rubik's Cube solvers with Deep Reinforcement Learning. The algorithm is based on the following paper.
- S. McAleer et al. (2018), Solving the Rubik's Cube without Human Knowledge
- The author of this repository does not have any relationships with the author of the paper cited above.
- This implements an algorithm a little different from the paper. The differences are summarised in the section below.
- The authors of the paper have already published an interactive website that shows how the algorithm solves the Rubik's Cube.
First, install OpenBLAS
$ brew install openblas
$ sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev
Then, get this repository and make
$ git clone
$ cd deepcube
$ make
Solve randomly scrambled Rubik's Cubes by
$ bin/exec/search_cube
Scramble the cube. The order of moves is
D' R' U F' L' L D R' L' R'
Solved the cube. The order of moves is
R' L R' D' F U' R D
Paste these seqeuences to a website to see how the algorithm solved the cube.
Train a neural network employed in the algorithm by
$ bin/exec/trainer_cube
which will train a network and save its parameters under /tmp/
Since the executable search_cube
uses parameters in data/
directory by default, to use the trained parameters, copy files like /tmp/dense_layer_*
to data/
. Then, the next execution of seach_cube
$ bin/exec/search_cube
will use the trained parameters.
- The size of the neural network used in this implementation is small compared to the size of the network reported in the original paper. As a result of this size reduction, the performance of this implementation does not match the one reported in the original paper.
- The nonlinearity of the neural network is ReLU in this implementation despite the fact that the original paper uses elu.
- Originally, the optimization algorithm of the neural network is RMSProp. Here this implementation uses Rprop because of its simplicity.
- The interpretation of the Rubik's Cube as a Markov decision process is different from the original paper. The original paper describes it as a continuing task without an end state, meaning the task continues even if the Rubik's Cube is solved. This leads to the training algorithm described in Algorithm 1 of the original paper, which does not separate the solved state as a special case. However, this implementation separates the solved state as a special case because we interpret the solved state as an end state of the MDP that terminates the task. This leads to an algorithm like this.
- Refactoring ...