Pokemon Black2 and White2 English Translation by PokeStation/Project Pokemon
Some contributors are not listed, as they never added themselves to the list.
Pokestation Contributors: Kyohack CloneCharizard wowfreak3000 Ludicario Glitch ZoroarkX Vinnymac er1c1996 ILLuMiNaTe7 riceball7852 hamtah Salah- no381 Renegal JackR50 OctopodaChong Bounky
Project Pokemon Contributors: soneek Guested Skyhi101 Froggyrobot FritzDuck Kaarosu Chase Nigoli Serebii
Technical Contributors: Vinnymac/Kyohack - Error Messages, DSi Page, PKMN Type/Ailments, Battle UI, Title Screen, Intro Text, HM Item, Keyboard, and more. Kakkoii - Title Screen, error messages, statuses Kazo - Letter and number resizing Kaphotics - Matching text files to specific areas in the game Bond697 - Breaking 5 character name limit Skyhi101 - Cart testing darkspirit456 - DAT making for TTDS/YS Menu
Thread: http://pokecheats.net/forum/showthread.php?14123-Translation-project-for-Pok%E9mon-Black2-amp-White2
If you are unsure of a translation, leave it alone!
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Automatic Translators are FORBIDDEN!
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Thanks for all the translations so far!
Please dont update the list at the wiki :P
ILLuMiNaTe7 will keep track of it like every 3 hours