DSA Visual
A Data Structures and Algorithms Visualisation Tool
Included Visualisations
Sorting Algorithms
- Selection Sort Max
- Selection Sort Min
- Insertion Sort
- Shell Sort
- Bubble Sort Up
- Bubble Sort Down
- Cocktail Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- 3-Way Quick Sort
- Heap Sort
- Counting Sort
- Radix Sort
- Bogo Sort
Binary Tree Traversals
- Inorder
- Preorder
- Postorder
- Breadth First Search
- Boundary
Graph Traversals
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
- Djkstra's
- Bellman Ford
- A*
- Chaining
- Linear Probing
- Quadratic Probing
- Double Hashing
- Binary Search
- Red Black Trees
If you enjoy (or even if you don't) please give some feedback and star the repository! I have no immediate intention on working further on the project, but I may implement bug fixes or new visuals in the future.