Entities (minecart, boat and armorstand) are a source of lag for your minecraft server. This plugin limits the number of entity per chunk and protect you from players who want to crash your server with a large number of entity.
- Set entity (minecart, boat and armorstand) limit in a Chunk
- Check the world name avoid unwanted removal
- Timer that checks every X minutes in the loaded chunks the number of entities inside the chunk
- Check TPS status and if too low check and remove the entity in a or chunk ( this check is also performed only on loaded chunks )
- Ability to limit players to placing a maximum of entity per chunk
- Discord and inGame notication of when entities are removed due to limit violation
- No Dependency!
- Open Source!
This project was inspired by the work on ArmorStand-Limiter who allows you to limit armor stands.
- /el reload - Reload the config file (Perms:
) - /el check - Show how many minecart/boat/armorstand there are in your actual chunk (Perms: