• Build all java needed classes (POJO , DAO, web service and a tester client for the web service) • Make a web service to get the following from the data set:
- Read data set and convert it to dataframe or Spark RDD and display some from it.
- Display structure and summary of the data.
- Clean the data (null, duplications)
- Count the jobs for each company and display that in order (What are the most demanding companies for jobs?)
- Show step 4 in a pie chart 6. Find out What are it the most popular job titles?
- Show step 6 in bar chart
- Find out the most popular areas?
- Show step 8 in bar chart
- Print skills one by one and how many each repeated and order the output to find out the most important skills required?
- Factorize the YearsExp feature and convert it to numbers in new col. (Bounce )
- Apply K-means for job title and companies (Bounce )
Wuzzuf Jobs Exploratory without Spring_initlizer Web Service.
Just Run the code and Enjoy exploratoring the data.