#Welcome to Lanica™ ###Game Development Platform
The Lanica Game Development Platform allows Developers, Artists and Game Designers to create new and engaging mobile game experiences. Lanica’s state of the art technology is built from the ground up for mobile, and delivers all you need during the game development lifecycle. It includes: Platino™, our game engine SDK, Animo™, a set of designer and developer tools and Cosmo™, our cloud service infrastructure.
The Lanica Game Development Platform enables rapid development to build cross-platform games (iOS and Android) natively from a single code base.
All you need to know to get your (game) engine started! link
To help you understand some fundamental Lanica Platino APIs and coding practices link
Platino SDK APIs link
Create, play and deploy!
Designers and developers can now work together with Animo tools to rapidly build, prototype, iterate, test and deploy games cross-platform. Download
Focus on creating the best fun game mechanics and let Cosmo cloud services handle the heavy lifting, scale the servers, store achievements, capture and show analytics, and notifications to your mobile games on both iOS or Android. Coming soon… Stay in touch! http://lanica.co/members/signup/
Lanica offers several types of support for our developers: extensive API and product documentation, tutorials and samples, community-supported and moderated forums. Individual help with a rapid turnaround is available through our professional services, you can choose for a professional paid support subscription or, if you are a larger studio with specialized support needs, please contact our team.
Check out our website for various options http:/lanica.co/support/