Unofficial .NET SDK for Nordigen. The only missing part are premiums. Because of the unclear documentation on the responses for them the Api, this library will remain on hold until further notice.
1- Install the nuget package
Install-Package Nordigen.Net
2- Add a configuration section into your app, and configure it (the values shown below are the default ones except the keys)
"NordigenApi" : {
"Url" : "",
"AccessTokenValidBeforeSeconds" : 5,
"RefreshTokenValidBeforeSeconds" : 5
Although this is not required is recommended if you want to use an internal api to test.
3- Add the SDK to your services collection
4- Now you can access a set of interfaces to reach the Nordigen platform
INordigenApi => Just inject this and you can have access to all the endpoints with the members
IAccountsEndpoint => Access to Accounts
IInstitutionsEndpoint => Access to Institutions
IRequisitionsEndpoint => Access to Requisitions
IAgreementsEndpoint => Access to Agreements
You can easily plug retries with Polly when registering the api. Install the nuget package
Install-Package Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly
Configure your retries:
.OrResult(msg => msg.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable)
.WaitAndRetryAsync(6, retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2,retryAttempt))));
The library uses discriminated unions to return values, when the second option will allways be an Error if present.
For example when querying accounts:
var result = await _accountsEndpoint.Get(id, cancellationToken);
_ = result.Match(
account => async _ => { await _accountsDatabase.SaveAsync(account, cancellationToken); },
error => { _logger.Error(error.Detail); }
The SDK handles the lifetime/renewal of tokens automatically for you, so only requirement is to configure your SecretId and SecretKey
OneOf simplified credit goes to Harry McIntyre
Logo Provided by Vecteezy