- Multi browser support
- Multi environment support
- Data driven UI code with custom HTML reports
- BDD Specflow code with Extent report
- Restful services (API's) testing with Restsharp
- Multi iteration with different data sets
- Code for DB Validation
- Email feature
Step 1: Install the following tools:
- as
- asdf
- asdf
- asdf
Step 2:
- Open the solution file in MS VS and restore all packages which are already installed
- Clean solution once
- Rebuild solution now
- Now you are in a position to run the scripts if there are no errors while building the solution
- If there are errors, we need to fix those based on the error we see in the o/p window
Step 3:
- Open Test Explorer window and enable Traits view – this will list all scripts under each category
- Open any script and take a look at how the script is designed
Step 4:
- On the Solution explorer, you can see different projects
- Other projects are:
- BDDSpecFlow.Tests
- This project contains use cases related to BDD
- Common.TestFramework.core
- This has common class files required for the UI and webservices projects
- UI.Tests
- This project is designed based on Page Object Model (PoM)
- All TC’s are under RegressionTestSuite class file
- WebServices.Tests
- This project is for API and Webservices testing
- All TC’s are under RegressionTestSuite class file
- BDDSpecFlow.Tests
Step 5:
- Under UI and Webservice projects, there is a Datasheet folder
- Look for Config.xls, open the file and select the environment and corresponding data sheet pertaining to the environment selected above
- Also select the Test project name, Test suite file name and browser you want to select
Step 6:
- Ensure test data sheets are separate for each environment
- TestDataALPHA.xls
- TestDataBETA.xls
- TestDataDEV.xls
- TestDataPROD.xls
Step 7:
- TC naming convention
- Sample TC name
- PurchaseItems_UI_SD_App_PurchaseItems
- Scenario name
- PurchaseItems
- TC Detail name
- UI_SD_App_PurchaseItems
- Sample TC name
- Scenario name and TC detail name should be connected using a ‘_’ (underscore) symbol
- Datasheet should contain the Scenario name as the tab name like below
Step 8:
- Select any TC from the Test explorer and run it
- If you want to run in suite, select any category from test explorer and execute it
Step 9:
- Reports can be found in this location
- *\UI.Tests\Reports
- *\WebServices.Tests\Reports
- Report has Summary report (html) and Detailed report (html)
- AddTestDataforApplicationNew
- [Onetimesetup]
- TestFixturesetup()
- getAppConfigData(1)
- getExecutionData()
- PrepSummaryReport
- SummaryReportHeader
- TestFixturesetup()
- [Onetimesetup]
- [SetUp]
- Setup()
- AddTestDataforApplication(intIteration()
- PrepDetailedReport()
- DetailedReportHeader()
- Setup()
- [SetUp]
- <'Test Case e.g. PurchaseItems_UI_SD_App_PurchaseItems'>
- [TearDown]
- TearDown()
- EndTestIteration()
- TearDown()
- [TearDown]
- [OnetimeTearDown]
- TestFixtureTearDown()
- EndSummaryTestReport
- TestFixtureTearDown()
- [OnetimeTearDown]