This overlay is no longer being maintained. Powercord is EOL and Discord has released breaking changes affecting most client mods.
See for a flake for Replugged, the community fork/successor of Powercord. As of 2022/09/30, it is yet to support the breaking changes, but has plans to do so.
An overlay to easily install Discord with Powercord
# flake.nix
inputs.powercord-overlay.url = "github:LavaDesu/powercord-overlay";
# system config
nixpkgs.overlays = [ inputs.powercord-overlay.overlay ];
powercord-overlay = import (builtins.fetchTarball "");
nixpkgs.overlays = [ powercord-overlay.overlay ];
# or home.packages
environment.systemPackages = [
For plugins and/or themes, override discord-plugged
# where you put your packages
discord-plugged.override {
plugins = [
(builtins.fetchTarball "")
themes = [
(builtins.fetchTarball "")
If you're using flakes, you can instead use inputs to fetch them
# flake.nix
inputs = {
discord-tweaks = { url = "github:NurMarvin/discord-tweaks"; flake = false; };
discord-tokyonight = { url = "github:Dyzean/Tokyo-Night"; flake = false; };
# where you put your packages
discord-plugged.override {
plugins = [
themes = [
- The updater should be disabled, it doesn't work for obvious reasons :)
- Settings are stored imperatively in
(and cache in$XDG_CACHE_HOME/powercord
)- This unforunately is not perfect. If you notice some plugin's settings just disappear after a restart (as it tried to write to the store), please open an issue here about it
Powercord is against Discord's Terms of Service. However, at the time of writing, Discord isn't currently hunting down modded client users and punishing them or anything.
While you should be safe, you are at your own risk when using this overlay, and I am not responsible for any damages that may happen as a result of using Powercord.