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A db design for Siirtokarjalaisten tie data extracted with Kaira-core. Reads json-dataset generated by Kaira-core and creates a Postgres database.

Usage environment

For Windows and MS Access user, check the wiki for configuration guide. Basically you'll need Postgres ODBC drivers and some configuration to connect to the database.

Development environment

Following instructions are for Ubuntu but should be exactly same for macOS with exception of how the general dependencies are installed.

Postgres in Docker

NOTE: This should only be used for development, not in production! The conf.sql file that is used to tweak the PostgreSQL configuration contains options intended for use in a development environment.

  1. Install Docker Community Edition
  2. Install Python requirements:
    virtualenv -p python3 database-venv
    source database-venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Setup the project with invoke command:
    invoke docker-db-setup
    Note that the port used by the Docker DB can be specified with -p <port>
  4. The end of the setup will prompt you to set your DB_PORT environment variable correctly, don't skip this!
  5. Operate the DB with docker-db-start and docker-db-stop

If you completed this step, you may skip down to Datalinking.

General dependencies

NOTE: If you have done the Postgres in Docker step, you may skip all the following setup stuff and go straight down to Datalinking. It is advisable to use Docker for development since the installation process is likely significantly easier.

  • Python >=3.5
  • Postgres 9.6.1
  • PostGIS bundle for Postgres 9.6
  • PL/Python3
  • virtualenv

After installing Postgres and Postgis, on Ubuntu you can install the plpython with:

sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-plpython3-9.6

Setup Postgres .pgpass file

Instead of .pgpass file, on your [development] machine you can probably just set local connections as trusted in your pg_hba configuration. Of course you should consider possible security implications of this.

Set up postgres or other superuser to have a password access and then add following lines to ~/.pgpass:


Add similar entry for production connection with correct host and passwords if you want to access the production database. Set rights of the file to the 0600. Read more about PGPASSFILE

Create user with name kaira to your database cluster and add its credentials to the pgpass:


Finally setup environment variable for your database super user if you want to use separate user from default postgres user:

export DB_ADMIN_NAME=yourname

This can be done in .env file if you use autoenv or exported however you like.

Setup the project

After database is setup and dependencies installed, run following commands on the root directory of the project:

virtualenv -p python3 database-venv
source database-venv/bin/activate
invoke setup

This should setup a new database called learning-from-our-past to your local postgres cluster. Finally run test command to check if all tests pass:

invoke test-all

If tests pass everything should be fine.


If you wish to use the datalinking feature, you must have a MySQL database set up on your computer with the Katiha data imported. For development, MySQL Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.21 was used. The default options expect there to be a user called "kaira" in the MySQL database with access to tables in the Katiha database. You can achieve this in the MySQL shell with something like:

CREATE USER 'kaira'@'localhost';  -- you can add IDENTIFIED BY 'password' if a password is desired
GRANT SELECT ON katiha.* TO 'kaira'@'localhost';

Once the above criteria are met, you should simply be able to run the following command:

inv link-data

This will, by default, output the linked data to the material/ directory.


Autoenv is a handy utility which automatically loads the .env file when you cd to the file. See instructions for installation here:

Database monitoring

Powa is a simple monitoring tool to inspect the database usage and other stats in browser. To set up it in your local machine for your local database, follow Powa docs about installation. In short, you'll need to install PoWA Archivist on the machine which has the database.

Once you have installed and configured Powa locally (or you want to use it just for production database), go and rename file .powa_template.confto powa-web.conf in /database directory. Then fill in a new random cookie_secret and check that the existing server configurations are ok.

To start POWA gui, run invoke powa-web in /database directory. Then navigate to http://localhost:8888 and log in.


DB-design for Siirtokarjalaisten tie bookseries






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