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Lua Scripting API

Exosite's One Platform can run Lua scripts on your behalf. These scripts have a rich set of capabilities and may be used to offload processing from your device.

If you're completely new to Exosite's APIs, you may want to read the API overview first.


Scripts are written in Lua 5.2 scripting language. For general information about Lua 5.2, please reference the online Lua manual.

Scripts may be added to an application either using Portals, or by using the Remote Procedure Call API. In Portals, scripts are added on the script management page.

To use the RPC to create a script, use the create RPC procedures. It's also possible to use the Exoline utility to upload a script from the command line using the script Exoline command. Run this command for details:

$ exo script --help

Scripts are associated with a client and may read, write, record and subscribe to data for any resources that client owns. For example, in Portals, if a script A is added to a particular device client it may access all of that device's datasources, but not the datasources of any other devices. If script B is added to a portal, it will have access to portal-level datasources as well as devices in that portal and their datasources.

A script may also dispatch messages using transports such as HTTP, SMS, Email, and XMPP.


Examples of One Platform Lua scripts are made available in this repository: Example Platform Scripts Repository

The script environment

Scripts are completely isolated from one another, each running in its own, secure environment, complete with access to a set of Lua tables and functions, as well as a set of One Platform API functions, the 'alias' table and Global properties and functions.

Scripts are scheduled to run with a limited number of execution ticks. When these ticks are consumed, the script is suspended until subsequently rescheduled.

Scripts also have memory usage limits, which if completely consumed terminates the script with a 'not enough memory' error. Please reference the Lua 5.2 manual for how Lua manages memory. In particular:

Lua tables and functions

The following global Lua tables and functions are available to Lua scripts. They operate exactly as described in the Lua 5.2 reference manual.

One Platform tables

The following One Platform resources and features are available to Lua scripts:

Global tables, functions, and properties

The following global resources and features are available to Lua scripts:

  • json
  • date()
  • debug()
  • setlocale()
  • settimezone()
  • now holds the current UNIX timestamp. Note that now causes a One Platform API call behind the scenes so that it stays in step with the One Platform time. For best performance we recommend calling this at most once per iteration of a looping script. For example, if three different variables are to be initialized to the current timestamp in a row, now should be called once, its value stored in a local variable and subsequently used to initialize the variables.

The alias table

Every script is owned by a One Platform client, and has access to that client and all of its resources through the alias table.

  • The client: alias['']
  • The client's owned resource (by alias): alias['myAlias']
  • The client's owned resource (by resource ID): alias[{rid = '64c217b5243eeda29d4101234567890123456789'}]

It is a good idea to create a local reference to specific aliases used in the script, e.g.:

local room_temp = alias['room_temp']

Each alias has properties and functions through which the script can interact with the aliased resource (for example to read from a dataport or write to a dataport)

  • .alias

    This sub alias table is only available if the referenced alias is a client. It provides the same functionality as the global alias table but for the referenced client.

  • .manage

    The manage table is only available if the referenced alias is a client. For the functionality provided, see The manage table.

  • .meta

    This provides read-only access to the meta field of the resource.

  • .name

    This provides read-only access to the name field of the resource.

  • .status

    Indicates the outcome of the most recent activity performed on the Alias. Actions include the reading or writing of any of the Alias properties and functions, excluding .last and .status itself.

    The actual values this property can return are listed with each property and function that can affect the value of .status. This property is read only.

  • .timestamp

    The timestamp of the most recent datapoint written to the resource. If the resource contains no datapoints, .timestamp will read nil.

  Values:      timestamp :: number | nil

  Status:           'ok' :: string - accessing .timestamp was successful
  • .value

    When read, it returns the value of the most recent datapoint written to the resource. If the resource contains no datapoints, .value will read nil. When written, the given value gets written to the resource with the current timestamp.

  Values:          value :: boolean | number | string | nil

  Status:           'ok' :: string - accessing .value was successful
  • .last

    When read, it returns the timestamp returned by the most recent call to .wait function. When written, the current time, as the script perceives it, will be changed to the given timestamp. Thus it is possible to set .last to a point in the past and iterate through historical data using .wait. When the script starts .last is initialized to the value of .timestamp.

  Values:           last :: number
  • .wait([expire])

    Returns the timestamp for the next unprocessed datapoint. Next being relative to the timestamp held by .last property. If there is no datapoint available, the call will block. The expire parameter sets the wait expiration timestamp in case no datapoint becomes available. When the call returns, .last property will be updated to the timestamp of the next unprocessed datapoint or the wait expiration timestamp.

    Note that the expire period is non deterministic. Although the One Platform honors the expire parameter, there may be small fluctuations of up to a few seconds beyond what is specified by the expire parameter.

  Arguments:             :: nil    - no expiration
                  expire :: number - expiration timestamp

  Returns:     timestamp :: number - timestamp of the next unprocessed datapoint
                         :: nil    - wait expired

  Status:           'ok' :: string - the call has returned without expiring
               'expired' :: string - the call has expired
  • [<timestamp>]

    Indexing an alias with a numerical timestamp makes it possible to read and record historical data.

    When read, the value of the datapoint with the given timestamp. If no value exists for the given timestamp then nil will be returned.

    When written, the given non-nil value gets recorded to the resource at the given timestamp. When nil is specified, the datapoint at the given timestamp will be deleted.

  Values:  [<timestamp>] :: boolean | number | string | nil

  Status:           'ok' :: string - accessing [<timestamp>] was successful

The manage table

The manage table provides resource management functionality.

The manage table can be referenced globally and on client type alias objects.
When invoked globally, the functions in the table will act on behalf of the
script owner client. When invoked on an alias object, they will act on the
alias object owner's behalf.
  • manage.activate(rid | {alias = <alias>}, type, code)

    Given an activation code, the associated entity is activated for the client specified in rid.

  Arguments:        rid :: string - Client ID under which to activate the entity
                                    Note: an earlier form of this function
                                    allowed omitting this argument. That
                                    form is deprecated and should no
                                    longer be used.
                   type :: string - "client" | "share"
                   code :: string - Activation code

  Returns:          true :: boolean - Activation was successful
            false, error :: boolean, string - "badarg" | "invalid" | "noauth"
  • manage.create(rid | {alias = <alias>}, type, description)

    Create a One Platform resource of specified Type and Description under rid.

  Arguments:     rid :: string - Client ID under which to create a resource
                                 Note: an earlier form of this function
                                 allowed omitting this argument. That
                                 form is deprecated and should no
                                 longer be used.
                type :: string - "client" | "dataport" | "datarule" | "dispatch"
         description :: table - Description table specific to resource type.

  "client" description ::
      limits = {
        client = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        dataport = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        datarule = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        disk = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        dispatch = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        email = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        email_bucket = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        http = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        http_bucket = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        share = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        sms = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        sms_bucket = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        xmpp = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit",
        xmpp_bucket = <non_neg_integer> | "inherit"
      locked = true | false,
      meta = <string>,
      name = <string>,
      public = true | false,

  "dataport" description ::
      format = "binary" | "boolean" | "float" | "integer" | "string",
      meta = <string>,
      name = <string>,
      preprocess = {
        "add"|"sub"|"mod"|"div"|"mul"|"gt"|"lt"|"eq"|"geq"|"leq"|"neq"|"value" =
        <constant> ,...
      public = true | false,
      retention = {
        count = <non_neg_integer> | "infinity",
        duration = <non_neg_integer> | "infinity"
      subscribe = <rid> | nil 

  "datarule" description ::
      format = "boolean" | "float" | "integer" | "string",
      meta = <string>,
      name = <string>,
      preprocess = {
        "add"|"sub"|"mod"|"div"|"mul"|"gt"|"lt"|"eq"|"geq"|"leq"|"neq"|"value" =
        <constant> ,...
      public = true | false,
      retention = {
        count = <non_neg_integer> | "infinity",
        duration = <non_neg_integer> | "infinity"
      rule = {
        simple = {
          comparision = "gt" | "lt" | "eq" | "geq" | "leq" | "neq",
          constant = <number>,
          repeat = true | false
        timeout = {
          repeat = true | false,
          timeout = <number>
        interval = {
          comparison = "gt" | "lt" | "eq" | "geq" | "leq" | "neq",
          constant = <number>,
          repeat = true | false,
          timeout = <number>
        duration = {
          comparison = "gt" | "lt" | "eq" | "geq" | "leq" | "neq",
          constant = <number>,
          repeat = true | false,
          timeout = <number>
        count = {
          comparison = "gt" | "lt" | "eq" | "geq" | "leq" | "neq",
          constant = <number>,
          count = <number>,
          repeat = true | false,
          timeout = <number>
        script = <string>
     ,subscribe = <rid> | nil

  "dispatch" description ::
      locked = true | false,
      message = <string>,
      meta = <string>,
      method = "email" | "http_get" | "http_post" | "http_put" | "sms" | "xmpp",
      name = <string>,
      preprocess = {
        "add"|"sub"|"mod"|"div"|"mul"|"gt"|"lt"|"eq"|"geq"|"leq"|"neq"|"value" =
        <constant> ,...
      public = true | false,
      retention = {
        count = <non_neg_integer> | "infinity",
        duration = <non_neg_integer> | "infinity"
      subject = <string>,
      subscribe = <rid> | nil 

  Returns:    true, rid :: boolean, string - Resource created, id returned.
           false, error :: boolean, string - "badarg" | "invalid" | "limit" |
  • manage.deactivate(cid | {alias = <alias>}, type, code | rid)

    Given an activation code, or resource ID for shares, the associated entity is deactivated for the client specified in cid.

  Arguments:        cid :: string - Client ID under which to deactivate the entity
                                    Note: an earlier form of this function
                                    allowed omitting this argument. That
                                    form is deprecated and should no
                                    longer be used.
                   type :: string - "client" | "share"
                   code :: string - Activation code
                   rid  :: string - Resource ID that code is associated with

  Returns:         true :: boolean - Deactivation was successful
           false, error :: boolean, string - "badarg" | "invalid" | "noauth"
  • manage.drop (rid | {alias = <alias>})

    Drop specified resource.

  Arguments:        rid :: string - Resource ID to drop
                  alias :: string - Alias for resource ID to drop

  Returns:         true :: boolean - Drop was successful
           false, error :: boolean, string - "badarg" | "invalid" | "restricted"
  • (rid | {alias = <alias>}, options)

    Provide creation and usage information of specified resource according to the specified Options (e.g., options could specify to only return the description)

  Arguments:        rid :: string - Resource ID to query
                  alias :: string - Alias for resource ID to query
                options :: table - Options specifying what information to return

    options - Specify one or more. Not all are valid for every resource type.

  Returns:   true ,info :: boolean ,table - Requested info successful returned
           false ,error :: boolean ,string - "badarg" | "invalid" | "restricted"

    info table structure:
      -- for all resource types
      basic = {
        created = <timestamp>,
        modified = <timestamp>,
        subscribers = <number>,
        type = "client" | "dataport" | "datarule" | "dispatch"
      -- see 'create' function for details about description
      description = <description>,
      shares = {
          activator = <rid>,
          code = <code_string>,
          meta = <string>
      subscribers = {
        {client | dataport | datarule | dispatch = {<rid>, ...}}, ...
      tags = {
        <string>, ...
      -- for clients:
      aliases = {
        {<rid>, {<string>, ...}}, ...
      basic = {
        status = "activated" | "locked" | "notactivated" | "expired"
      counts = {
        client = <number>,
        dataport = <number>,
        datarule = <number>,
        disk = <number>,
        dispatch = <number>,
        email = <number>,
        http = <number>,
        share = <number>,
        sms = <number>,
        xmpp = <number>
      key = <cik_string>,
      usage = {
        client = <number>,
        dataport = <number>,
        datarule = <number>,
        disk = <number>,
        dispatch = <number>,
        email = <number>,
        http = <number>,
        share = <number>,
        sms = <number>,
        xmpp = <number>
      tagged = {
        <string> ,...

      -- for non-clients (dataport ,datarule ,dispatch)
      storage = {
        count = <number>,
        first = <timestamp>,
        last = <timestamp>,
        size = <number>

      -- for datarules (scripts only):
      basic = {
        status = "completed" | "error" | "running" | "waiting",
        activity = {{<timestamp> = {<status>, ...}}, ...}

      -- for dispatches:
      basic = {
        status = "normal" | "locked",
  • manage.listing(rid | {alias = <alias>}, type, options)

    List resource IDs of given type(s) under client identified by rid or alias, filtered according to specified options. Resource IDs qualified by all options will be returned. If no option is specified, owned resources will be returned by default.

  Arguments:        rid :: string - Client ID under which to list resources
                                    Note: an earlier form of this function
                                    allowed omitting this argument. That
                                    form is deprecated and should no 
                                    longer be used.
                  alias :: string - Alias for resource ID.
                   type :: table - List of resource types.
                options :: table - Categories of resources to return.

    type - Specify one or more.

    options - Specify none or more.

  Returns:   true ,list :: boolean ,table - Successful, list returned.
           false ,error :: boolean ,string - "badarg" | "invalid" | "restricted"

    list :: {{client | dataport | datarule | dispatch = {<rid> ,...}} ,...}
  • manage.lookup(cid | {alias = <alias>}, type, rid | alias | code)

    Lookup an aliased resource, a resource's owner or a shared resource under cid.

  Arguments:        cid :: string - Client ID under which to lookup a resource
                                    Note: an earlier form of this function
                                    allowed omitting this argument. That
                                    form is deprecated and should no
                                    longer be used.
                   type :: string - Lookup based on: owner, alias or code.
                    rid :: string - Resource ID (owner lookup only).
                  alias :: string - Alias for resource ID.
                   code :: string - Share activation code.

    type :: "aliased" | "owner" | "shared"

  Returns:    true ,rid :: boolean ,string - Successful, resource id returned.
           false ,error :: boolean ,string - "badarg" | "invalid" | "restricted"
  •, rid | {alias = <alias>}, mapping)

    Give the specified ResourceID an alias or a tag.

  Arguments:       type :: string - Type of mapping: alias or tag.
                    rid :: string - Resource ID to alias or tag.
                  alias :: string - Alias for resource ID.
                mapping :: string - The alias or tag to map to resource ID.

    type :: "alias" | "tag"

  Returns:         true :: boolean         - Successful, resource id mapped.
           false, error :: boolean, string - "badarg" | "inuse" | "invalid" |
                                             "notfound" | "restricted"
  • manage.revoke(type, code)

    Given an activation code, the associated entity is revoked after which the activation code can no longer be used.

  Arguments:       type :: string - Type of code: client or share
                   code :: string - Activation code

  Returns:         true :: boolean         - Successful, code revoked.
           false, error :: boolean, string - "badarg" | "invalid" | "noauth"
  • manage.share(rid | {alias = <alias>}, options)

    Generates a share code for the given resource ID.

  Arguments:        rid :: string - Resource ID to be shared.
                  alias :: string - Alias for resource ID.
                options :: table  - Share options.

      meta = <string>

  Returns:   true, code :: boolean, string - Successful, share code returned.
           false, error :: boolean, string - "badarg" | "invalid" | "limit" |
  • manage.tag(rid | {alias = <alias>}, action, name)

    Add or remove tag.

  Arguments        rid  :: string - Resource ID to be tagged.
                action  :: string - can be 'add' or 'remove'.
                  name  :: string - The name of the tag

  Returns:         true :: boolean         - Successful, resource id tagged or
                                             tag removed.
           false, error :: boolean, string - "badarg"
  • manage.unmap(rid | {alias = <alias>}, type, mapping)

    Remove the specified type of mapping under client identified by rid or alias.

  Arguments:        rid :: string - Client ID under which to unmap the mapping
                                    Note: an earlier form of this function
                                    allowed omitting this argument. That
                                    form is deprecated and should no 
                                    longer be used.
                   type :: string - Type of mapping: alias only.
                mapping :: string - The mapped string to be removed.

    type :: "alias"

  Returns:         true :: boolean         - Successful, resource id mapped.
           false, error :: boolean, string - "badarg"
  • manage.update(rid | {alias = <alias>}, description)

    Updates the description of specified resource. See 'create' for description parameter content, however that content may be restricted as described below:

    Client resource limits must not be lowered below current use level. Resources must be dropped prior to lowering the limits. For daily limits, those may be lowered at any point and take immediate affect.

    Dataport and datarule formats must not be changed.

  Arguments:        rid :: string - Resource ID to be shared.
                  alias :: string - Alias for resource ID.
            description :: table - Description table specific to resource type.

  Returns:         true :: boolean         - Successful, resource updated.
           false, error :: boolean, string - "badarg" | "invalid" | "limit" |
  • manage.usage(rid | {alias = <alias>}, metric, starttime, endtime)

    Returns Metric usage between StartTime and EndTime by client and subhierarchy.

    The Metric parameter either specifies a consumable or an entity, depending on which, the returned value is computed as follows: * for consumables: the sum of the consumable used during the given window * for entities: the sum of the number of entities used in one second for each second in the given window.

  Arguments:        rid :: string - Resource ID for which to query usage.
                  alias :: string - Alias for resource ID.
                 metric :: string - Usage metric to query.
              starttime :: number - Start of time window to query.
                endtime :: number - End of time window to query.

    metric :: "client" | "dataport" | "datarule" | "dispatch" | "share"
            | "email" | "http" | "sms" | "xmpp"

  Returns:  true, value :: boolean, number - Successful, usage value returned.
           false, error :: boolean, string - "badarg" | "invalid" | "restricted"

The JSON global table

Supports the encoding to and decoding from JSON format as specified at:

  • json.array(table)

    Initializes a Lua table to represent a JSON array. A JSON array is represented as a Lua table having a sequence {1..N}, such that the only keys in the table are the numerical set {1..N}.

  Arguments:       table :: table  - the Lua table to be initialized as array

  Returns:         array :: table       - Lua table initialized as 'array'
          nil, error_msg :: nil ,string - error if table could not be
                                          initialized as a JSON-compliant array
  • json.decode(json_string)

    Decodes the provided JSON encoded string.

  Arguments: json_string :: string - valid JSON encoded string

  Returns: decoded_value :: string | number | table | true | false | json.null
          nil, error_msg :: nil, string - error description encountered during
  • json.encode(value)

    Encodes the provided native Lua value as a JSON string.

  Arguments:       value :: string | number | table | true | false | json.null

  Returns:  encoded_json :: string      - successfully encoded JSON string
          nil, error_msg :: nil, string - error description encountered during
  • json.null

    Represents the JSON 'null' constant, use it when constructing Lua tables.

  • json.object(table)

    Initializes a Lua table to represent a JSON object. A JSON Object is represented as a Lua table having only keys of string type.

  Arguments:       table :: table - the Lua table to be initialized as object

  Returns:        object :: table       - Lua table initialized as 'object'
          nil, error_msg :: nil, string - error if table could not be
                                          initialized as a JSON-compliant object
  • json.type(value)

    Returns the JSON specific type of the supplied value.

  Arguments:       value :: string | number | table | true | false | json.null
                            Lua value to check its type.

  Returns:          type :: string - "array" | "object" | "string" | "number" |
                                     "boolean" | "null"
                     nil :: nil    - the type of value is not a valid JSON type

The dispatch table

The One Platform supports sending messages to external recipients over several transports as 'dispatches' which are available via the 'dispatch' table.

The dispatch table can be referenced globally and on client type alias objects. When invoked globally, the functions in the table operate on behalf of the script owner client. When invoked through a client alias object, they will operate on behalf of that client.

  •, subject, message, type)

Sends an email message to address with subject line. type is optional and specifies the email Content-Type header, and defaults to:

    "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
  Arguments:    address :: string - valid email address
                subject :: string - email subject line text
                message :: string - text message
                   type :: string - (optional) message content type

  Returns:         true :: boolean         - email was successfully sent
          false, reason :: boolean, string - email was not successfully sent
  • dispatch.headline(address, subject, message)

    Sends an xmpp headline message to address with subject line.

  Arguments:    address :: string - valid email address
                subject :: string - headline subject line text
                message :: string - text message

  Returns:         true :: boolean         - headline was successfully sent
          false, reason :: boolean, string - headline was not successfully sent
  • dispatch.http(url, method, body, contenttype, headers, timeout)

    Makes a HTTP method request on the specified url with the given body of contenttype. Optional request-specific headers and timeout may be set.

  Arguments:        url :: string - fully formed url - eg ""
                 method :: string - request method, "post" | "put" | "get"
                   body :: string | nil - text message, if 'method' is "get",
                           'body' should be nil or it will be ignored. when
                           'method' is other than "get", 'body' must not be nil.
            contenttype :: string | nil - 'Content-Type' header value, if
                           'method' is "get", 'contenttype' should be nil or it
                           will be ignored. when 'method' is other than "get",
                           'contenttype' must not be nil.
                headers :: table | nil  - custom header table or nil
                           e.g. {'custom_1'="value_1",'custom_2'='value_2'}
                timeout :: number | nil - number of miliseconds before
                           the request times out or nil.

  Returns: true, result :: boolean, table  - request was successfully made
          false, reason :: boolean, string - request was not successfully made

      status = <number>,
      headers = {<header> = <string> ,...},
      body = <string>
  • dispatch.sms(number, message)

    Sends an sms message to phone number. Phone number must include country code.

  Arguments:     number :: string - phone number, including country code
                message :: string - text message

  Returns:         true :: boolean         - sms was successfully sent
          false, reason :: boolean, string - sms was not successfully sent
  • dispatch.tweet(auth, message)

    Sends a message on behalf of the authenticated twitter user application.

  Arguments:       auth :: table  - authentication table (see below)
                message :: string - text message

  The 'auth' table has four fields:

     oauth_consumer_key :: string - Consumer Key
  oauth_consumer_secret :: string - Consumer Secret
            oauth_token :: string - Token
     oauth_token_secret :: string - Token Secret

  Authentication with requires that a user have a
  account and, under their user account, a twitter application, on behalf of
  which, the One Platform script will be able to send tweets. Follow the process
  described on to set up an account and an application for your
  account. Then, under the new application's settings, obtain the above four

  Returns:         true :: boolean         - tweet was successfully sent
          false, reason :: boolean, string - tweet was not successfully sent rejects subsequent, identical tweets. This can result in failure
  reason "undelivered".


The scripting system has access to utilities functions in the global scope.

  • date(), date(format), date(format, time)

    Returns the current or supplied time, formatted as specified. Non-specifier characters are copied verbatim to the returned string.

  Arguments:     format :: string - '*t' or strftime-compliant format specifier
                                    If omitted, defaults to '%c'.
                   time :: number - UNIX time value to be formatted
                                    If omitted, defaults to current UTC time.

  Returns:         date :: string - formatted date and/or time string
                   date :: table  - if format was specified as '*t', the Lua
                                    table with the following number fields:
                                     .sec   - seconds              (0-59)
                                     .min   - minutes              (0-59)
                                     .hour  - hours                (0-23)
                                     .day   - day of month         (1-31)
                                     .month - month                (1-12)
                                     .year  - year
                                     .wday  - weekday              (Sun=1-7)
                                     .yday  - days since January 1 (1-366)

    nil, "badspecifier" :: nil, string - if invalid format specifier was given
  • debug(message)

    Writes the given message to the calling script's datastack. It prepends the message with the line number from which it was called.

  Arguments:     essage :: string - debug message

  Returns:         nil
  • setlocale(locale)

Locale controls formatting and internationalization of various outputs. In the One Platform scripting environment, these are the date function and some of the built in Lua functions, such as tonumber.

By default, scripts use the en_US.utf8 locale. Scripts can switch to another locale by calling this function and specifying the new locale. The new locale remains in effect until a subsequent invocation of this function.

  Arguments:     locale :: string - the name of the locale

    Supported are the 'C' and 'POSIX' locales and the <language>_<country>.utf8
    locales as follows:

    aa_DJ, af_ZA, an_ES, ar_AE, ar_BH, ar_DZ, ar_EG, ar_IQ, ar_JO, ar_KW, ar_LB,
    ar_LY, ar_MA, ar_OM, ar_QA, ar_SA, ar_SD, ar_SY, ar_TN, ar_YE, as_IN, az_AZ,
    be_BY, bg_BG, br_FR, bs_BA, ca_AD, ca_ES, ca_FR, ca_IT, cs_CZ, cy_GB, da_DK,
    de_AT, de_BE, de_CH, de_DE, de_LI, de_LU, el_CY, el_GR, en_AU, en_BW, en_CA,
    en_DK, en_GB, en_HK, en_IE, en_NZ, en_PH, en_SG, en_US, en_ZA, en_ZW, es_AR,
    es_BO, es_CL, es_CO, es_CR, es_DO, es_EC, es_ES, es_GT, es_HN, es_MX, es_NI,
    es_PA, es_PE, es_PR, es_PY, es_SV, es_US, es_UY, es_VE, et_EE, eu_ES, eu_FR,
    fi_FI, fo_FO, fr_BE, fr_CA, fr_CH, fr_FR, fr_LU, ga_IE, gd_GB, gl_ES, gv_GB,
    he_IL, hr_HR, hu_HU, id_ID, is_IS, it_CH, it_IT, iw_IL, ja_JP, ka_GE, kk_KZ,
    kl_GL, ko_KR, ku_TR, kw_GB, lg_UG, lt_LT, lv_LV, mg_MG, mi_NZ, mk_MK, ms_MY,
    mt_MT, nb_NO, nl_BE, nl_NL, nn_NO, oc_FR, om_KE, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT, ro_RO,
    ru_RU, ru_UA, sk_SK, sl_SI, so_DJ, so_KE, so_SO, sq_AL, st_ZA, sv_FI, sv_SE,
    tg_TJ, th_TH, tl_PH, tr_CY, tr_TR, tt_RU, uk_UA, uz_UZ, wa_BE, xh_ZA, yi_US,
    zh_CN, zh_HK, zh_SG, zh_TW, zu_ZA

  Returns:         true :: boolean - new locale was successfully set
                  false :: boolean - locale was not successfully set
  • settimezone(timezone)

    The timezone set for the script affects the output of the date function.

    By default, scripts use the UTC timezone. Scripts can call this function to switch to a different timezone. The new timezone setting will remain in effect until a subsequent invocation of this function.

  Arguments: timezone :: string - the name of timezone

    For a list of available time zones, reference 'List' table in the following

    For the argument to this function, use the timezone name values found in the
    TZ* column of that table.

  Returns:         true :: boolean - the new timezone was successfully set
                  false :: boolean - the new timezone was not successfully set