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This repository will host the code and implementation for group 9's project in the CSU44098 module

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Group_9_GDP - Release 2

This version is the second release of our Group Design Project, MusiCollab. MusiCollab is aimed to be a collaborative music creation website where you can create and edit projects with friends and strangers by adding tracks, manipulating their audio and much more! We successfully achieved all our goals for this release, and all the features are outlined at the bottom of this document.

Setting up the Backend

Ensure that the latest version of python is installed on your device


  • In your terminal, starting from root directory: -- Type cd backend


  • In the backend directory type:
    • For Windows -- python -m venv venv
    • For macOS/Unix -- python3 -m venv venv


Setting up the development environment

  • The step above creates a folder called 'venv' within the backend folder. Within the venv folder is a 'bin' folder, which has a file called "Activeate.ps1" inside it.

  • Past the below to set up the virtual environment:

    • Ensure you are in the backend directory, Then:
      • For Windows, paste this in your terminal to enter the development environment -- .\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
      • For macOS/Unix, paste this in your terminal to enter the development environment -- source [Absolute (not relative) path to the 'Activate.ps1' file], minus the '.ps1' at the end - should be something like "source C:...\venv\bin\Activate" - Ensure you add 'source' before the path of the 'Activate.ps1' file on macOS/Unix - Ensure you delete the '.ps1' from the end of the file path for macOS/Unix


  • Next, paste this in your terminal -- pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Next, a file called '.env' needs to be added to the 'backend' folder.
  • In the file called '.env', you will need to paste a single line like "MONGO_URI = {mongo url}"
  • This line is a key to access the MongoDB database and so we won't have publicly available
  • We have emailed you (Professor and Demonstrator) the line which you should paste into this '.env' file -- The subject of the email is "Group 9 ENV"
  • Copy and paste this line directly into the .env file you created in your 'backend' folder, and save this change.


  • Run the application with: -- python

Backend Code Explanation:

This code represents a backend application developed using Flask, a popular Python web framework. It integrates various functionalities including user management, file upload, and interaction with MongoDB. Below is a brief explanation of the key parts of this code:

Imports and Initial Setup:

  • Various libraries are imported for handling web requests, security, file management, and database interactions.
  • A Flask application instance is created, and Flask extensions like Bcrypt for password hashing and JWTManager for token-based authentication are initialized.
  • CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is enabled allowing the backend to accept requests from different origins.


  • A secret key for JWT (JSON Web Tokens) is generated for securing token-based authentication.
  • Environment variables are loaded (e.g., database connection strings) using dotenv.
  • MongoDB client is set up to connect to a database, and collections and GridFSBucket for file storage are initialized.

Routes and Endpoints:

  • Various endpoints are defined for different functionalities such as user registration, login, email and username checks, file uploads (both general and specific to a user's profile picture), and project management.
  • The /upload endpoint allows files to be uploaded and stored in MongoDB using GridFS.
  • The /checkEmail, /checkUsername, /submit, /login, and other user-related endpoints allow for user management such as registration, email validation, and authentication.
  • Password validation for login uses bcrypt to securely check hashed passwords.
  • JWT tokens are used for authentication and are required for certain actions like uploading a profile picture or adding a project.
  • Project and audio management is facilitated through endpoints that allow adding projects, uploading audio files to projects, and retrieving project-related information.

File Upload and Retrieval:

  • Files (like profile pictures and audio files) can be uploaded and linked to users or projects. GridFS is used for storing files that exceed the BSON document size limit in MongoDB.
  • File metadata is managed, and files can be retrieved via specific endpoints, allowing for dynamic content management related to user profiles and projects.

Security and Data Management:

  • jwt_required decorator is used to protect routes that require user authentication.
  • Data validation and error handling are implemented to ensure that the backend responds appropriately to invalid requests or database errors.

Running the Application:

Overall, this backend is designed for a platform where users can create profiles, manage projects, and upload files, with secure authentication and data storage practices.

Setting up the Frontend

Ensure the latest version of Node.js is installed on your device


  • In your terminal, ensure you are in the root directory


  • Install npm in the directory, by pasting this in the terminal: -- npm init -y THEN -- npm install


  • Run the project with: -- npm run dev

Frontend Code Explanation

Overall Structure and Configuration:

  • App.vue This is the root component of the Vue application. It primarily serves as a container for the app, with a tag that serves as the outlet for displaying components based on the current route.
  • main.js This is the entry point of the Vue application. It creates the Vue instance, applies global configurations, and mounts the app to the DOM. It includes setup for Vuetify (a material design component library) and Vue Router for managing navigation.
  • index.js Defines the routes for the application, linking URLs to components. It includes routes for the landing page, sign-in, sign-up, profile page, and project view.


  • LandingPage.vue Serves as the homepage, guiding users to sign in or sign up.
  • SignIn.vue Allows existing users to sign in by entering their email and password. It communicates with the backend to validate user credentials and handle session management.
  • SignUp.vue Enables new users to create an account by providing details like email, password, username, and date of birth. It includes validation for each field and communicates with the backend to check the availability of email and username and to register the user.
  • ProfilePage.vue Displays user information and a list of projects associated with the logged-in user. It allows users to upload a profile picture and add new projects. This component interacts with the backend for fetching and updating user-related data.
  • ProjectView.vue A detailed view for individual projects, containing specific functionalities for project management and collaboration.
  • Slider.vue A custom slider component, used within the application for settings such as volume control.
  • ExplorePage.vue A view that allows users to see all other users' project, filter them by different criteria, listen to them and contribute to those projects
  • AudioEditor.vue A custom component which is draggable in the project view, and used for changing a track's position within a song
  • HamburgerMenu.vue This popout menu from the right side of the screen allows the user to navigate to the main pages of MusiCollab, as well as sign out.

Communication with Flask Backend:

  • The Vue components use axios for HTTP requests, interacting with the Flask backend endpoints you provided earlier. This includes user authentication, profile updates, project management, and file uploads.
  • Data fetched from the backend (like user details or project information) is displayed in the respective components. For instance, ProfilePage.vue would display user projects and personal information retrieved from the backend.
  • Actions like signing in, signing up, uploading pictures, or adding projects involve sending data to the backend and handling responses, which may involve updating the local Vue state or redirecting the user based on the outcome.

Style and Appearance:

  • The application uses Vuetify for UI components and styling, ensuring a material design look and feel across the application.
  • Each Vue file contains a <style></style> section, scoped to the component, defining CSS rules specific to the component's elements for customized styling.

Functionality and Flow:

  • The application flow is managed by Vue Router, guiding users through different components based on their actions and authentication status.
  • User authentication status (e.g., logged in/out) could influence navigational options and accessible content, directing users to the appropriate pages.
  • The frontend interacts with the backend for various operations, ensuring that user data and project information are up-to-date and consistent with the database.

Running the whole project

  • Have 2 terminals open, each starting from the project root directory:

    • Terminal 1: Run: cd backend Then: [run the development environment] - Refer to setting up backend step 3 Finally, run: python
    • Terminal 2: Run: npm run dev
  • This should launch the backend and frontend components, each running on a different localhost port/address

  • To load the web application, ctrl/cmd click the link in the frontend terminal, or copy/paste the link into your browser

Demonstration / Application Testing Purposes

We would like to guide you through 2 processes for logging in to your account.

    1. Existing user: On the landing page you will click on the page that allows you to SIGN IN. Use: username: [email protected] password: GroupDesignProject9! Here you will be brought to an existing user profile page with their own custom profile picture and their projects that exist already. Feel free to click and test any of these.
    1. New user: On the landing page you will click on the page that allows you to SIGN UP. Sign up with your own details ensuring a valid and unused email, password that is at least 8 characters long, has a number, capital letter and a special character (all passwords are hashed for privacy reasons), a username, and a DOB (must be over 18) Upon completion you will be brought to the profile page where you can customise your profile with your own profile picture, add your own projects, and add/upload some of your own audio files to the project you created. To test uploading audio files you can use your own mp3 files or you can use the mp3 files we have provided in the assets folder in frontend. Your signup information has all been saved to the database and where applicable the profile picture, audio files and project details are also all saved for future use so they can be played and streamed rather than locally.

There are various pages in the MusiCollab application which can be used for various reasons:

    1. Profile Page: The profile page of a user lists all the projects that have been created by the user, or projects that the user has opted to contribute to. From the profile page, users can click “Add Project” to create new music projects with a specific title and description. When creating a new project, the users can add project titles, descriptions, and tags for genres and instruments used, which will be linked to their project. Users can also delete their projects by clicking the 'x' in the top right of a project

      The profile page is also personalized and has a feature where the users to change their profile pictures. The hamburger menu on the top right gives easy access to the Explore Page and Signing Out.

    1. The Project Page: The project page displays the specific music project that the user clicked into, whether their own or someone else's from the explore page. At the top left you can view the project name along with the instrument and genre tags for this project. If this is your own project, you can click on the project name and type to change it, additionally you can click on the dropdown "Instrument" and "Genre" menus to change the tags for your project. In the middle of the top bar, there is a master play button that will play all of the tracks on the project. Underneath this is a master volume control. To the far right is a Hamburger menu that can be used to go back to your account, the explore page, or to logout. If this is your own project, you will be able to add new tracks using the "Add New Track" button. Once you upload the audio, the track will appear. On each track you have the ability adjust the specific track volume using the volume slider on that track, mute the track by clicking the M' button, solo the track by clicking the small 'S' as well as change when the track begins playing by dragging the offset left or right. However, if this the user currently logged in does not own the project they are viewing, they will not be able to make modifications to the project such as changing track volume, muting, or changing the track offset. However, if a user wishes to make their own adjustments to a track, they can click the "Contribute" button, which appears underneath all the tracks, which makes a new copy of this project for the user that they can edit. At the bottom left of the project page are an upvote and downvote for users to vote on this project. In the bottom right of the project page is the comments button. Clicking the comments button causes the comments section to popup, where you can post a comment. Users are able to delete their own comments. On comments you can see the username, how long ago the comment was made, and the comment itself. By clicking the small "X" in the upper right of the comment section you can exit out of this section.
    1. The Explore Page: The explore page displays the music projects of all the users of MusiColab. On this page, users can scroll through the projects and listen to them. There are features present such as a search bar at the top of the page for searching projects by title. Users can also filter by genre and instrument, and sort by other parameters. Users can click into a project name which will bring them to a version of project's page with does not allow them to modify the project they are viewing (as they do not own that project). There is also an option to contribute to a project, both from within that viewers project view and from the explore page. Clicking the contribute button will create a copy of the project under your own profile. New copies of a project will allow a user to start where another user left off, modifying the project in whichever way they desire. Users can also like and dislike each project.

Navigating MusiCollab: To Navigate through the various pages through MusiCollab, you can use the 'Hamburger' menu button, which will be displayed on the top right of your screen. The hamburger presents you with options to go to the explore page, your profile page, and an option to sign out of your account Naturally, clicking on various other items such as projects from the profile or explore page will bring you to those respective pages.

Other Notes:

  • Every action you take in MusiCollab will be stored in the database, and changes you make will still be available whenever you log back in.
  • Don't forget the '.env' file!
  • Have fun!


This repository will host the code and implementation for group 9's project in the CSU44098 module






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