Hereford is an FPS demo planned to recreate the CQB test from the F.N.G. level of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. The demo is developed using a simple game engine made from scratch, with SDL2 and OpenGL.
The project's main purpose is for me to learn more about game engine development, modern C++ and features (Also, to pay homeage to the great game that inspired me to become a game developer)
Note: Due to different license requirements, assets used aren't included in this repo
or at least, "it's working!"
- Windows Context Handling
- Asset Loading and Management (Textures, Models, Shaders)
- Math Library (Vector, Matrix, Quaternion)
- Actor and Component Structure
- Event
- Delayed Action
- Timeline Action
- Reflection
- Scene Content (JSON)
- First Person Camera and Control
- Animation State Machine
- Gameplay Actions
- Movement States (Crouch, Sprint)
- Weapon
- Object Interaction
- Raycast Query (Against Sphere, AABB)
- Basic Forward Rendering
- PBR Shading
- Skybox
- UI and Text Rendering
- Skeletal Animation
- Sound Effects
- SDL2
- OpenGL 4.6
- Assimp
- stb_image
- Freetype
- JSON for Modern C++
BarcodeGames (
- Mark 23 (Mesh and Animations)
- MP5SD (Mesh and Animations)
Tauffiq Abdllah (
- Shooting Range Target
3D Content Online (
- Plywood Walls
Mixamo (
- SWAT Guy (Mesh)
- Silly Dancing (Animation)
Soundsnap (
- Sound Effects
Free PBR (
- PBR Textures
rpgwhitelock (
- Skyboxes
- LearnOpenGL by Joey De Vries (
- ITP 380 (USC) by Sanjay Madhav (
- 3D Collisions by Gabor Szauer (
- The project name hereford comes from Herefordshire, the real-life location of the Special Air Service headquarters, and the location of the F.N.G. level from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.