bash$ python3
You need to repalce it
Your gitlab domain: {gitlab url}
Your gitlab account private_token: {token}
The start milestone you like to count: beginningMilestoneId
Sprint 30 - 訊息搜尋 second step: Ian
Sprint 29 - 訊息搜尋 first step: Jason
Sprint 28 - 萬人大衝刺 3: Henry
Sprint 27 - 萬人大衝刺 2: Phate
Sprint 26 - 萬人大衝刺: Zam
Sprint 25 - 繼續邁向 1.0.0: Phate
Sprint 24 - release 前的 bug 趕盡殺絕: Vantist
Sprint 23 - 1.0.0 release 工作事項, 萬人: Zam
Sprint 22 - 萬人、藍畫面: Ian
Sprint 21 - 幹掉藍畫面跟多人聊天室了沒: Zam
Sprint 20 - 萬人衝刺: Ian
Sprint 19 - 修復重大 issue 和衝刺萬人: HENRY_CHANG
{'Zam': 3, 'Vantist': 1, 'Henry': 2, 'Ian': 3, 'Phate': 2, 'Jason': 1}