This is a node.js app made to run in console, it has no intereface yet. Pull it from
- development of a simple crypto currency trading bot
- ccxt suporting 90 crypto exchanges
- technicalIndicators supporting 20 trading indicators
To run you need:
- NodeJS runing 24/7
- PC, mac, server with runing:
- node.js
- npm (for installing packages)
- cryptocurrency exhange account
additional Node packages:
- ccxt
- technicalIndicators
- nodeMailer
- code style: lean and clean
- comment: every object and function
- letter case: drinking camel
- formating same as in VSCode
- use suffix insted of prefix
- 4 space TAB
- exhange
- currency
- market/product
- balance
- market symbol/trade pair
- pair
- base
- quote
- signal
- order
- ticker
- ask
- bid
- spread
- volume
- order book