NOTE: If you wish for your station to be removed, please head to the RadioStats discord (found here) and contact a Developer.
If you wish to add your station to RadioStats then please follow the instructions!
Please fork the respository and add the following json entry for your station:
(NOTE: If your station requires a special API to be made, please contact a Developer in the RadioStats Discord!)
"id": "Next ID Available",
"name": "Station Name",
"shortcode": "shorter version of the name (all in lowercase)",
"aliases": ["Aliases of the station name"],
"stream": "Stream URL",
"website": "Website URL",
"logo": "Logo URL",
"hex": "Colour Code to be used (In HEX format i.e #fff)",
"api": {
"url": "API URL",
"song": "Path to Song Object",
"song_title": "Path inside the song object to title",
"song_artist": "Path inside the song object to artist",
"dj": "Path to DJ Object",
"dj_name": "Path inside the DJ object to name",
"listeners": "Path to Listeners Object",
"listeners_data": "Path inside the Listeners object to total"