Releases: LoboEvolution/LoboEvolution
Lobo Evolution 5.0
- Update the minimum Java version from 8 to 21
- Fixed User Agent
- Moved pdf icons in local path pdfview after installation
- Fixed reload icon size
- Fixed Thema refresh
- Renamed Setup in Print Seup in LoboPDF
- Added icon Print Setup
- Fixed crash when running inside swingexplorer-idea
- Migrate test class to JUnit 5
- Added 2,000 new tests from HtmlUnit
- Set default size to 1600, 900
- Removed java.xml stub
Html/Xhtml Features
- Implemented Lombok Slf4j
- Implemented Subresource Integrity(SRI)
- Table layout Cached visualWidth, visualHeight
- Detached Node from the Window
- Detached EventTarget from Element, Document
- Removed hack from outerHtml and move innerHtml code from node to element
- Improved client and offset height/width
- Fixed tr background
- Li tag set disc as bullet type
- Moved anchor binding from HtmlLinkElement to HtmlAnchorElement
- Fixed width and height with position absolute
- box-sizing exclude margin
- Set html as root tag
- Fixed html and body height
- Fixed attribute align
- Fixed em value
- Created new FontParser
- Removed obsolate alink
- Fixed alpha color
- Implemented tag dialog
- Implmented canvas toDataURL
CSS Features
- Improvved page css rule
- Implemented focus css selector
- Support border-width: medium, thin and thick
- Fixed textAlign and color check
- Fixed hight 0 with css float
- Implemented background position with 2, 3 and 4 values
- Implemented css selectors valid and invalid
- Improved css selectors and css style
- Fixex css default values
- Improved css display: block
- Implemented style tag disable property
JS Features
- Unique js context in the session
- Implemented document.activeElement
- Improvved setAttribute
- Fixed boundingClientRect
- Removed hack, compareDocumentPosition implmented from zero
- Added parentNode to all nodes except Document
- Impprovved DOMTokenList
- Added missing methods in ComputedCSSStyleDeclaration
- Fixed document.all
- Re-implemented XMLHttpRequest
- Implemented POST request
- Implemented FormData
- XMLSerializer support CDATA and fixed closuere tags
- Fixed DomParser with xml
- Implemented Range
- Removed hack and re-implemented offsetparent
- Removed hack and re-implemented compatMode
- Fixed insertAdjacentHTML
- Removed hack offsetLeft and offsetTop
JS Objects Features
- CSSCharsetRule
- CSSFontFaceRule
- CSSImportRule
- CSSKeyFramesRule
- CSSMediaRule
- CSSPageRule
- Event Objects: WheelEvent, TransitionEvent, TrackEvent, TouchEvent, SubmitEvent, PointerEvent, PageTransitionEvent. NotificationEvent, MutationEvent, MessageEvent, KeyboardEvent, InputEvent, HashChangeEvent, GamepadEvent, FocusEvent, ErrorEvent, DragEvent, DeviceOrientationEvent, DeviceMotionEvent, CustomEvent, CompositionEvent , CloseEvent, BlobEvent, BeforeUnloadEvent ,
AudioProcessingEvent, AnimationPlaybackEvent, AnimationEvent
Image Viewer
- When the zoom factor less than 1, ie shrinking,
- left and top aline the image.
- Reajsut the image viewer component on image resizing.
- set the image viewer's popup menu font size.
PDF Features
- Fixed pdf local file
- Fixed very slow pdf window
Lobo Evolution 4.0
Update License from LGPL to MIT
CobraEvolution is born!
Html Render and Parser see -
Implemented Dom Test Suite Level 3 core -
Fixed Issues #79
Replace custom Objects.equals with java.util.Objects.equals
Fixed local js file reader
Fixed local background image file reader
Fixed Moved Mozilla Rhino resources
Recognized word "window"
Html/Xhtml Features
- Rename HtmlParser in XHmlParser
- Split html and xhtml implementation
- XHtmlParser parse Processing Instruction
- Implemented new tag DIALOG, DIR, NOSCRIPT, OPTGROUP
- Attached document at element
- Attached document and element at attribute
- Trasform element attributes from map to list
- Improvved elements and attributes search
- Attribute parent node is always null
CSS Features
- Set default size of html elements
- Setup relative position
- Implemeted css selector target page rule and import rule
- Implemeted css selector target
- Implemented height and width for html link tags
- Ignore invalid css selectors (inside pseudo not) instead of throwing an exception
- Support css case-insensitively
- Fixed :not() pseudo selector
- Fixed root and checked css selectors
- Fixed margin/padding/border auto style
- Fixed margin, height, width, max-width, min-width with position absolute
- Fixed style font size
- Fixed html border style
- Fixed tag link display
- Fixed z-index
- Fixed table border when is present but not setted
- Fixed box-sizing
JS Features
Node js:
- node.lookupPrefix
- node.replaceChild
- node.normalize
- node.isSupported
- node.getFeature
- node.isEqualNode
- node.compareDocumentPosition
Element js:
- element.insertAdjacentElement
- element.insertAdjacentHTML
- element.getSchemaTypeInfo(first step)
- element..offsetTop
- element.offsetLeft
- element.getBoundingClientRect
- element.clientWidth
- element.clientHeight
DOMImplementation js:
- domImplementation.hasFeature
Xpath js:
- xpath.lookupNamespaceURI
Window js:
- Fixed window.nameItem
Form js:
- Fixed form.lenght
- Fixed form.elements return elements with attribure name equals
Event js:
- Implemented onmousemove
- removeEventListner remove attribute function
JS Objects Features
- Node Type w3c compliant
- HtmlOptionsCollection
- HtmlOptionElement
- ComputedCSSStyleDeclaration is null if parent nod not exist
- NodeIterator
- TreeWalker
- EntityReference
- Notation
- DOMImplementationSource
- DOMImplementationList
- DOMConfiguration
- DOMImplementationRegistry
- DOMLocator
- DOMErrorHandler
- DOMError
- UserDataHandler
- UserDataNotification
Lobo Evolution 3.1
Repalce discontinue Apche Xalan with htmlunit-xpath, added change to make it compatible with LoboEvolution -
Implemented Dom Test Suite Level 1 core and Level 2 core from org.w3c.domts -
Fixed build and compile with 9, 11, 14, 17 and 18. Issues #75 #76 #77
Fixed User Agent problem #75 and add possibility to search from address bar
Fixed Implicit narrowing conversion in compound assignment
Browser Features
- Added Blu Screen Error Page, when http response is not 200 ok. Tested with
- Improvved Strong password suggested
Html4 Features
- Implemented html tag details
- Added default input type text
Html Features
- Improvved xhtml support
CSS Features
- Improvved MediaQuery support
- Implemented !important rule
- Fixed ComputedCSSStyleDeclaration return value when parent node is null
- Don't set css if value is Unknown
JS Features
Node js:
- node.isEqualNode
- node.attributes
- node.isSupported
CharData js:
- chardata.substringData
- chardata.replace
Document js:
- document.applets
- document.anchor
- document.createEntityReference
DOMImplementation js
- Added check qualifiedName in createDocumentType
JS Objects Features
- Entity
- EntityReference
- Notation
PDF Features
- replacement for CCITTFaxDecoder (from JPedal LGPL) to fix issue with some images encoded in T.4
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 3.0...3.1
Lobo Evolution 3.0
Moved database items into LoboStore.
Removed database references from ColorFactory and FontFactory.
Removed HttpNetwork's coupling to the user agent string found in the store.
Updated StorageManager to no longer load SQL for colours and user agent. -
Improve speed(x700%) unit test -
Introduce ITabbedPane interface to remove DnDTabbedPane from LoboApi. The interface hides implementation-specific behaviours by referencing general Swing classes.
Based on pull request #70 -
After installation, store the lobo images in the image and welcome folders
Browser Features
- Random background Lobo images in Welcome tab
- Http timing and header
- Google Chrome-style tab based on
- ScreenShoot utility based on
- Scroll Page Horizontally and Vertically with Mouse Wheel
- Check to enable/disable images
- Viewer for different file types like java, php, javascript, sql, css json, etc.
- Developer Tools:
Source Viewer
Locale and Session Storage
Media List Css, Js, Image
Cookie Viewer
Info Page
Html4 Features
Implemented html tags:
- fieldset, figure, legend, nav, tag article, main, samp, kdb, var, header, footer, aside, figcaption, colgroup, menu, section, summury
Fix html tags:
- b, em, cite, code, i, strong, superscript, tt, thead, var, hr, a
Html5 Features
- Svg bbox, angle, screenCTM, preserveAspectRatio
- Svg temporarily disabled
- Html 5 doctype
CSS Features
- Removed AbstractCSSProperties and implemented CSSStyleDeclaration
- Implemented new font parser.
Setted default font family Times New Roman
Setted default font size 16px
Font style support cascade style
Implemented bold lighter, bold, bolder, value from 100 to 900 - Fixed position:absolute
- Fixed position:fixed
- Fixed display: table-caption
- Fixed width and height image
- Implemented vh, vw, rem units
- Implemented css selector :hover
- Implemented default css values
- Implemented new link renderstate
- Gradient support rgb/rgba/hls/hlsa color
- Implemented inherit border, padding, margin
- Implemeneted margin auto
- Implemented hex color with 3 token
- Fixed background-image: radial-gradient()
- Selector :checked work with option selected
JS Features
Node js:
- node.contains
- node.cloneNode
- node.importNode
- node.insertBefore
- node.prependChild
- node.prepend
NodeList js:
- nodeList.entries
- nodeList.keys
- nodeList.values
- nodeList.forEach
Element js:
- element.childElementCount
- element.firstElementChild
- element.lastElementChild
- element.scroll
- element.scrollTop
- element.scrollLeft
- element.scrollTo
- element.scrollBy
- element.onscroll
- element.scrollWidth
- element.scrollHeight
- element.clientLeft
- element.clientTop.
- element.getComputedStyle
- element.offsetWidth
- element.offsetHeight
- element.clinetWidth
- element.clientHeight
- element.clientRects
- element.boundingClientRect
Document js:
- document.head
- document.body
- document.applets
- document.alinkcolor
- document.bgcolor
- document.fgcolor,
- document.defaultView
- document.domain
- document.url
- document.location
- document.referrer
- document.compatMode
Window js:
- window.computedStyle
- window.length
- window.innerHeight
- window.innerWidth
- window.outerHeight
- window.outeridth
- window.atob
- window.btoa
- window.console
- window.clientInformation
- window.devicePixelRatio
- window.get
- window.frames
DOMImplementation js
- createDocument support doctype and qualifiedName
JS Objects Features
- XMLHttpRequest: Implemented timeout and authentication
- XMLParser
- DOMParser,
- XMLSerializer
- DOMTokenList
- DOMException
- HTMLAllCollection
- NodeType
- CSSRule
- CSSRuleList
- CSSStyleDeclaration
- CSSStyleRule
- CSSStyleSheet
- MediaList
- StyleSheet
- StyleSheetList
PDF Features
- Repalce JPEGImageIO with ImageIO
- Implemented new method to trasform InputStream in ByteBuffer
- Fixed bug where a ASCIIHex encoded value would go past the EOD marker (thus, throwing an exception).
- Not all PDF content viewable with viewfile macro
- Solve some exception in unicode issue
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.0...3.0
Lobo Evolution 2.0
- Added new sub-project, contains html Interfaces
- Added new sub-project, contains junit class
Build system
- LoboEvolution support Apache Maven 3.6.3
Browser Features
- Improved PDFViewer (Zoom in, Zoom out, Fit Height, Fit, Scroll page, Fast pdf parser)
- ModernUI(Thema support)
- Password Manager, autocomplete password and strong password suggested
- Download Manager
- New Icon pack
Html5 Features
- Added svg images from url
- Added canvas putImageData
- Improved svg path parser
- Fixed svg relative path
Html4 Features
- Added TextArea
- Added input attributes selectionStart, selectionEnd, selectionRange, focus, blur, min and max lenght
- Added select and option methods and attributes
- Added href alternate stylesheet
- Added html values q and in
- Added list-style-image
- Added border style inset, outset and dotted
- Added table cell units
- Added image vertical-align
- Added rgb() and rgba() color values specified in percentages
- Improved table
- Fixed disc list-style-type
- Fixed input without type
- Fixed iframe relative path
CSS Features
- Added input selectors placeholder, read-only, read-write, out-o-range, enabled
- Fixed background top and bottom position
- Fixed absolute position
- Fixed relative position
- Fixed display inline-block
- Fixed backroundImage width relative path in external link
CSS3 Features
- Added display:flex
- Added CSS Media Queries
- Improved box-sizing
JS Features
Window js:
- Added window.innerWidth
- Added window.innerHeight
- Added window.outerWidth
- Added window.outerHeight
- Added window.matchMedia
- Added window.localStorage
- Added window.sessionStorage
Document js:
- Added document.all
- Added document.inputEncoding
- Added document.characterSet
- Added document.charset
Element js:
- Added element.clientWidth
- Added element.clientHeight
- Added element.outerHTML
Input js:
- Added input.onkey
- Added input.onfocus
- Added input.onblur
Select js:
- Added select.onselect
JS Objects Features
- EventTarget
- GlobalEventHandlers
- WindowEventHandlers
Lobo Evolution 1.0
LoboEvolution has been rewritten from scratch and is not compatible with old version
- LoboApi
Interfaces and classes used to interact with the sub-projects - LoboCommon
Common objects - LoboEvo
Java/Swing classes used to costruct LoboEvoluiton - LoboHtml
Java classes used to binding html/css/js ojects - LoboIViewer
Image Viewer - LoboJTattoo
A LookAndFeel library for swing base - LoboLib
Third party libraries - LoboPDF
Java library for rendering PDF documents to the screen using Java2D - LoboParser
Java classes used to parse css and javascript
Build system
LoboEvolution can builded with java, Apache Ant, Apache Maven and Gradle
Browser Features
- New installation process
- Welcome Page
- Add, Delete, Drag & Drop tab
- Add, Delete and view bookmarks
- View cronology
- Auto-suggest site visited in address bar
- Save page, js, and css in cache objects
- Clean cache and history when closing the browser
- Drag & Drop html page into browser
- Save, Open html page
- Image Viewer
- PDF Viewer
- RSS Viewer
- Source Viewer
- Browser thema, font, size and color
- Screenshot utility
- Context menu after click mouse right button
- CSS Parser fully compatible with htmlunit-cssparser
- Javascript Parser compatible with Mozilla Rhino
Html5 Features
- Improved Canvas support
- Improved SVG support
Html4 Features
- Improved Input rendering
- Improved Button rendering
- Improved IFrame
- Different color when link is visited
CSS3 Features
- box-sizing
- linear-gradient(), repeating-linear-gradient()
- radial-gradient(), repeating-radial-gradient()
JS Features
- addEventListener(), removeEventListener(), dispatchEvent()
- getPreviousElementSibling and getNextElementSibling
- createHTMLDocument()
- Back and forward history
- scroll()
- XMLHttpRequest send()
JS Objects Features
- Geolocation
- Event, MouseEvent, UIEvent