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LordofBone committed Jul 28, 2019
0 parents commit 97e2ff5
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Showing 38 changed files with 1,342 additions and 0 deletions.
306 changes: 306 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@

import sys
import os
import subprocess
import time
import random
import pymongo
import datetime
import time
import numpy
from colors import *
from pymongo import MongoClient
from pprint import pprint
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz

#main class where all the workings happen
class talkLoop(object):

#initialise the class with all variables required
def __init__(self, name, client, db, responses, allwords, inputWords, globalReply, botAccuracy, debugMode): = name
self.client = client
self.db = db
self.responses = responses
self.allwords = allwords
self.wordsIn = inputWords
self.globalReply = globalReply
self.botAccuracy = botAccuracy
self.bResponse = globalReply
self.debugMode = debugMode

#function for comparing string similarity
def similar(self, a, b):
return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()

#function for grabbing a random document from the database
def get_random_doc(self, collection):
count = collection.count()
return collection.find()[random.randrange(count)]

#this function generates a random sentence at any length between 1 and 10 words long
def sentenceGen(self):
#set a clear string and set a random integer 1-10
result = ""
length = random.randint(1, 10)

#for the range in the integer above find a random word from the db and append to the string
for i in range(length):
cursor = self.get_random_doc(self.allwords)
for x, y in cursor.items():
if x == "word":
cWord = (y)
result += cWord
result += ' '
#clear the cursor
del cursor
#return the constructed sentence
return result

#this function searches the database for the input string and returns all replies for that string, returning a random one
def dbSearch(self, searchIn):
#search the database for inputs the bot has said prior
cursor = self.responses.find_one({"whatbotsaid": searchIn})
#return list of human replies to this response and choose one at random
for x, y in cursor.items():
if x == 'humanReply':
chosenReply = (random.choice(y))
#erase the cursor and return the chosen string
del cursor
return chosenReply

#this function returns a random sentence from the entire db
def randomSentence(self):
cursor = self.get_random_doc(self.responses)
for x, y in cursor.items():
if x == 'humanReply':
chosenReply = (random.choice(y))
return chosenReply

#the string comparison function
def mongoFuzzyMatch(self, inputString, searchZone, termZone, setting):
#create an empty dictionary
compareList = {}
#search the database passed in
for cursor in searchZone.find():
for x, y in cursor.items():
#find the item in the cursor that matches the search term passed into the function, eg: 'whatbotsaid'
if x == termZone:
#compare the input string to the current string in the cursor, which returns a decimal point of accuracy (0.0 > 1.0)

#compareNo = self.similar(inputString, y)

#if accuracy is off then append the string and its accuracy to the dictionary no matter the accuracy
if setting == ('off'):
compareNo = fuzz.token_set_ratio(inputString.lower(), y.lower())
if compareNo > self.botAccuracy-30:
compareList[y] = compareNo
#if accuracy is medium then append the string and its accuracy to the dictionary only if its over the medium setting
elif setting == ('med'):
compareNo = fuzz.partial_ratio(inputString.lower(), y.lower())
if compareNo > self.botAccuracy-20:
compareList[y] = compareNo
#if accuracy is on/high then append the string and its accuracy to the dictionary only if its over the on/high setting
elif setting == ('on'):
compareNo = fuzz.ratio(inputString.lower(), y.lower())
if compareNo > self.botAccuracy:
compareList[y] = compareNo
#if nothing found then return a non match
if compareList == {}:
compareChosen = 'none_match'
#if there are matching strings identify the highest accuracy from the dictionary made above
compareChosen = max(compareList.keys(), key=(lambda key: compareList[key]))
#erase the cursor and return the chosen matching string
del cursor
if (self.debugMode == True):
return compareChosen

def replyTumbler(self):
if == ("--trainer--"):
self.bResponse = self.wordsIn
return ("")
#find the search string using the high accuracy number - to find a decent match to what the bot has said prior
#when this function is called it required four arguments: the human response, the database to search on, the response required from the database and the accuracy level
searchSaid = self.mongoFuzzyMatch(self.wordsIn, self.responses, 'whatbotsaid', 'on')
#if no matches then try with a lower accuracy to find a less similar sentence
if searchSaid == ('none_match'):
searchSaid = self.mongoFuzzyMatch(self.wordsIn, self.responses, 'whatbotsaid', 'med')
if searchSaid == ('none_match'):
searchSaid = self.mongoFuzzyMatch(self.wordsIn, self.responses, 'whatbotsaid', 'off')
if searchSaid == ('none_match'):
#if still no match then move onto generating a totally random reply or grab a random sentence from the db
if searchSaid == ('none_match'):
if random.randrange(100) <= 60:
chosenReply = self.randomSentence()
self.bResponse = chosenReply
return (chosenReply)
chosenReply = self.sentenceGen()
self.bResponse = chosenReply
return (chosenReply)
#pass the response into the database to find prior human responses to the above sentence
chosenReply = self.dbSearch(searchSaid)

#pass the response into the database to find prior human responses to the above sentence
chosenReply = self.dbSearch(searchSaid)

#clear the search variable
del searchSaid
self.bResponse = chosenReply
return (chosenReply)

#this function passes in the information from the loop, the input reply and the bots last reply and appends them to the database
def updateDB(self, wordsIn):
self.wordsIn = wordsIn
#search the database for prior responses the bot has said
cursor = self.responses.find_one({"whatbotsaid": self.bResponse})
#if none then store a new bot response with the humans reply
if cursor is None:
postR = {"whatbotsaid": self.bResponse, "humanReply": [self.wordsIn]}
del cursor
#if already existing then update the database with a new reply
self.responses.update_one({"whatbotsaid": self.bResponse}, {'$addToSet':{"humanReply": self.wordsIn}}, upsert=True)
#clear the cursor
del cursor

#split the input sentence into individual words and store each in the database
wordsInDB = self.wordsIn.split(' ')
for word in wordsInDB:
#search the database for the word
cursor = self.allwords.find_one({"word": word})
#if its not already in the database then insert into the database
if cursor is None:
postW = {"word": word}
#if the word is already in the database pass and clear the cursor
del cursor

def dbWordsUpdate(objectIn):
#split the input sentence into individual words and store each in the database
wordsInDB = objectIn.split(' ')
for word in wordsInDB:
#search the database for the word
cursor = allwords.find_one({"word": word})
#if its not already in the database then insert into the database
if cursor is None:
postW = {"word": word}
#if the word is already in the database pass and clear the cursor
del cursor

def conversation(inputWords, personName):
#if person name is already initialised as a class with talk loop then check if its the same as the previous person from last response
if personName in name_dict:
if personName == prevPerson["prev_person"]:
#if it is still the same person chatbot talking to put their response in and get a reply from the bot
globalReply = (name_dict[personName].replyTumbler())
#if it is a different person from before then get a reponse from the bot using the humans prior response - to continue the conversation
globalReply = (name_dict[personName].replyTumbler())
#if human new then initialise them with the talk loop class
name_dict.update({personName: talkLoop(name=personName, client=client, db=db, responses=responses, allwords=allwords, inputWords="hello", globalReply="hello", botAccuracy=botAccuracy, debugMode=debugMode)})
#get an intial reply
globalReply = (name_dict[personName].replyTumbler())
#combine the greeting with the humans name
globalReply = str(globalReply + " " + personName)

#set previous person
prevPerson["prev_person"] = personName

#return the reply
return globalReply

#setting up variables for mongodb
client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
db = client.words_database
responses = db.responses
allwords = db.allwords

#accuracy variable (percentage)
botAccuracy = 95
debugMode = False

#blank variables
name_dict = {}
prevPerson = {"prev_person": ""}

#if called direct then run the function
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
sys.argv[1] = int(sys.argv[1])
except ValueError:
print ('There are two optional switches: accuracy <0-100> and <-debug>')

botAccuracy = sys.argv[1]

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
sys.argv[2] = str(sys.argv[2])
except ValueError:
print ('There are two optional switches: accuracy <0-100> and <-debug>')

if sys.argv[2] == ("-debug"):
debugMode = True
print ('There are two optional switches: accuracy <0-100> and <-debug>')

#request name
name = input('Your name: ')

#get reply and print for logging/debugging
reply = conversation(input, name)
print("Bot: " + reply)

while True:
#get another response and print
input = input('You: ')
#if response is blank, rerun loop
if input == (""):
#with 'change_name' typed in it will request new name - for debugging and testing
if input == ("change_name"):
name = raw_input('Your name: ')
#get another reply
reply = conversation(input, name)
#print reply
print("Bot: " + reply)
#rerun the loop with new name
#for a normal response grab another reply and print
reply = conversation(input, name)
print("Bot: " + reply)
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import sys
import re
import time
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
import bot_8 as b
import deleteDB as d

name = ("--trainer--")
inputWords = ("hello")

if sys.argv[1] == ("-fresh"):
print("Clearing DB")
print("Existing DB training")

b.conversation(inputWords, name)

f = open("learning.txt", "r")

for x in f:
if not'[a-zA-Z]', x[0]):

if (':') in x:
x = str(x.split(": ")[1])
except IndexError:


b.conversation(x, name)

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
RED = "\033[1;31m"
BLUE = "\033[1;34m"
CYAN = "\033[1;36m"
GREEN = "\033[0;32m"
RESET = "\033[0;0m"
BOLD = "\033[;1m"
REVERSE = "\033[;7m"
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import sys
import random
import pymongo
import sys
from pymongo import MongoClient

def delDB():
client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
db = client.words_database


if __name__ == "__main__":

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