That is:
./ -h
USAGE: Set up required environment, i.e., git config and package installation
./ [-h] [-g] [-p]:
[-h] Show usage
[-g] Set up git config only
[-p] Install packages only
[-g -p] Do nothing...
./ -h
USAGE: Generate normal .pdf file from .tex using pdflatex and bibtex
./ [-h] [-b DIR] [-m TEX] [-p] [-s] [-v (1/2/3/4)]:
[-h] Show usage
[-b DIR=build/] Change build directory (e.g., '-b abc/'; must end with '/')
[-m TEX=Paper] Change Main Tex file (e.g., '-m xyz' use xyz.tex as Main)
[-p] Prune, keep .pdf only (i.e., rm .aux, .bbl, .blg, .log, .out)
[-s] Silent mode, with no output
[-v] Verbose mode, show all outputs (for debug)
[-v 1/2/3/4] Verbose mode for specific command:
[1: pdflatex, 2: bibtex, 3: pdflatex, 4: pdflatex]
Set mutiple times if needed, e.g., '-v 1 -v 2 -v 4'
./ -h
USAGE: Execute diff/ (to generate diff PDFs) with pipenv support
./ [-h] [-p PY] [-t DIR] [-m TEX] [-k KEYWORD]
[-b BR] [-a MAX_AU] [-c COMMIT_NUM=1] [-v (1/2/3/4/5/6/7)]:
[-h] Show usage
[-p PY=diff/gdpy] Change python script path (e.g., '-p zzz/')
[-t DIR=diff/] Change target directory (e.g., '-t abc/'; must end with '/')
[-m TEX=Paper] Change Main Tex file (e.g., '-m xyz' use xyz.tex as Main)
[-k KEYWORD] Add start word for commit msg (e.g., '-k Add -k Update')
[-b BR=master] Set branch for generating diff PDFs
[-a MAX_AU=2] Set max author num (require preamble '._p*.tex' for laxdiff)
[-c COMMIT_NUM=1] Set start commit num (e.g., '-c 3' starts from 3rd commit)
[-v] Verbose mode, show all outputs (for debug)
[-v 1/2/3/4/5/6/7] Verbose mode for specific command:
[1: new-pdflatex, 2: new-bibtex,
3: old-pdflatex, 4: old-bibtex,
5: latexdiff, 6: diff-pdflatex, 7: diff-paflatex]
Set mutiple times if needed, e.g., '-v 2 -v 5 -v 6'
./ -h
USAGE: Run editors. Only run Texmaker with ENVs to support subfolders by default
./ [-h] [-t] [-j]:
[-h] Show usage
[-t] Run Texmaker only (default)
[-j] Run JabRef only
[-t -j] Run both Texmaker and JabRef