This repository contains the (mainly hard-coded) code for the SVM used in the OffensEval task 2019. For a detailed decription see: TuKaSt at SemEval-2019 Task 6: something old, something neu(ral): Traditional and neural approaches to offensive text classification.
python --vector {1,2,3} --model {A,B,C} training_file.tsv prediction_infile.tsv outfile --tenfold
- vector: Chose Vector representation used in the model:
- 1: combined_fixed
- 2: combined_positioned
- 3: emb_only
- default is combined_fixed
- model: Use Model to be trained:
- A: Subtask A Offensive/Not-Offensive
- B: Subtask B Targeted/Untargeted
- C: Subtask C Targeted towards Individual/Group/Other
- default is A
When used without the tenfold flag, the SVM is trained on the specified training_file.tsv, predicts the items in the prediction_infile.tsv and writes the predictions to the outfile. When the tenfold flag is used, the SVM is ten-fold evaluated on the training_file.tsv. A binary fastext model file (../cc.en.300.bin) and vader lexicon (../vader.txt) should be placed in the parent directory of the python project folder.