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3. Globalization

ROG edited this page Jun 3, 2022 · 6 revisions


Management strings in LanguageInfo<TLangCode, KTextCode>.

public partial class Globalization<TLangCode, GCollectionCode, KTextCode>

The types used in LanguageInfo<TLangCode, KTextCode> must be the same here.


The following example shows how to instantiate Globalization with LanguageInfo defined:

public void InitGlobalization()
    private static LanguageInfo<string, string, int> languagePtBr => new("pt_br", new(new()
        { "Home", new()
            {0, "Olá"},
            {1, "Seja Bem-Vindo"}

    private static LanguageInfo<string, string, int> languageEn => new("en_us", new(new()
        {"Home", new()
            { 0, "Hello" },
            { 1, "Wellcome" }

    Globalization<string, string, int> globalization = 
        new(new() { languagePtBr, languageEn }, "pt_br");

The following example shows how to instantiate Globalization with the language information defined in the constructor (build-in):

public void InitGlobalization() 
    Globalization<string, string, int> globalization = new(new List<LanguageInfo<string, string, int>>
        new("pt_br", new()
            {"Home", new()
                { 0, "Olá" },
                { 1, "Seja Bem-Vindo" }
        new("en_us", new(new()
            {"Home", new()
                { 0, "Hello" },
                { 1, "Wellcome" }
    }, "pt_br");

The following example shows how to initialize Globalization to watch for language changes and update the observed strings:

private void StartGlobalization()
    // LanguageInfo already initialized before

    Globalization<string, string, int> globalization = 
        new(new() { languagePtBr, languageEn }, "pt_br");

    // Adds a method with signature defined by the delegate to the event 
    // containing all strings to be observed.
    _globalization.LangTextObserver += Globalization_LangTextObserver;

// This method will be executed for the first time when calling StartGlobalization
// or every time the language is updated by UpdateLang or when calling SyncStrings
// to update all strings if necessary.
private void Globalization_LangTextObserver(object sender, UpdateModeEventArgs updateModeEventArgs)
    // Assigns current language text based on GCollectionCode and KTextCode.
    congrats = _globalization.SetText("Home", 0);
    wellcome = _globalization.SetText("Home", 1);

This example shows how to format the string with the SetText method to replace the {0} {1} {2} points with corresponding strings.

Globalization<string, string, int> globalization = 
    new(new() { languagePtBr, languageEn }, "pt_br");

string text6 { get; set; }

public void ParamedSetText()
    LanguageInfo<string, int, string> languageInfoEnUs = new("en_us", new()
        {0, new()
            {"text1", "Download on {0} and {1}"}
    Globalization<string, int, string> globalization = 
        new(new() { languageInfoEnUs }, "en_us");

    globalization.LangTextObserver += Globalization_LangTextObserver;

private void Globalization_LangTextObserver(object sender, UpdateModeEventArgs updateModeEventArgs)
    text1 = _globalization.SetText(0, "text1", "NuGet", "GitHub");
    //text1 = "Download on NuGet and GitHub";


Instance a new Globalization.

public Globalization([NotNull] List<LanguageInfo<TLangCode, GCollectionCode, KTextCode>> languagesInfo, [NotNull] TLangCode langCodeNow)

Instance a new Globalization and load the language strings in the JSON file. (More about JSON Serialization)

public Globalization([NotNull] string filepath, [NotNull] TLangCode langCodeNow)


Name Description
hasStarted Get the state of the Globalization


Name Description
SetText(GCollectionCode collectionCode, KTextCode key) Set the text according to the current language. Must be used in LangTextObserver event.
SetText(KeyValuePair<GCollectionCode, KTextCode> textCode) Set the text according to the current language. Must be used in LangTextObserver event.
SetText(GCollectionCode collectionCode, KTextCode key, params string[] formatArgs) Set the text according to the current language. Must be used in LangTextObserver event.
SetText(KeyValuePair<GCollectionCode, KTextCode> textCode, params string[] formatArgs) Set the text according to the current language. Must be used in LangTextObserver event.
UpdateLang(TLangCode newLangCode) Switch from one language to another and update all strings in LangTextObserver event.
StartGlobalization() Set all strings in LangTextObserverCall for the first time.
SyncStrings() Call LangTextObserver to synchronize all strings with current language.


Name Description
LangTextObserver This event is executed every time the language is changed with UpdateLang, StartGlobalization or SyncStrings is called.