<<<<<<< HEAD
$ cd ${BASE_DIRECTORY}/spring-mvc-demo
$ clean package jetty:stop jetty:run-war
Launch the project at http://localhost:8080/{project-name}?f={functionalArea}&n={name}
*Heroku Create (See: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/git#creating-a-heroku-remote)
Integrated Development Environment
- Accompanied with Eclipse Development Suite composed of:
- Project Wizard,
- Page Wizard,
- WYSIWYG Editor and
- BPMN Editor.
- The framework itself is Open Sources and the IDE is propriety software.
- Accompanied with Eclipse Development Suite composed of:
File Structure
Derived from maven-webapp archetype, the project file structure is defined by kite-archetype as below:
src/main/java for Java Sources
src/main/resources for static configuration files
src/test/* for tests
src/main/webapp for static web resources (css, html, img, js)
Spring MVC
- Annotation Based Configuration
- Selective Component Scan
- Inversion of Control
- Mock HttpServletResponse & Response for Integration Testing
- SpringJUnit4ClassRunner for utilizing annotations during testing
- Mustache Server Side Templating
- ORM Mapping
- Model Validation
- Transaction Management
- Data-access-level pagination
- New application template is provided with Kite Archetype
- Project Object Model (POM) Configuration
- Parent Project (kite-base) controls over child app modules, which depend on seperate kite-framework package whose version is determined by kite-base
- Platform independent resource & compilation encoding
- Utilization of jetty-maven-plugin
- Single line of command (clean test jetty:stop jetty:run) to clean, test, build and deploy
- JUnit and EasyMock for testing
- Mustache.js for Document Object Model (DOM) Templating
- jQuery for DOM Manipulation
- Bootstrap for front-end styling and modal popUp actions
- Namespacing pattern adopted for JavaScript
- Implementation of Nicholas Zakas' Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture
- Client Side JavaScript Front-End Coding opposed to Server Side Java Front-End Coding
- Responsive Design by responsive.js
- Sophisticated JavaScript Library Dependency Management by require.js
Database Management
Version Control
- Bitbucket - Heroku
Other libraries used:
- Log4j for logging
- jCaptcha for captcha's
- Jackson for json message translation
Features planned for future
- Tuckey URL Rewriting
- jsDuck for automated documentation