Schema-oblivious and customizable XML data reporting and modification.
- Prerequisites
- What can I do with xq-reports?
- Short roundtrip and details
- Quick Examples
- Reports in Detail
- Unit Tests
You need at least BaseX 9.0 to run xq-reports.
- Reveal inconsistencies in XML data. Fragments or database nodes are all treated the same.
- Serialize a detailed XML report including the problem and eventual recommendations for fixes.
- Use the report for communication, archiving or modify recommended fixes manually.
- Apply a report to the original input data - even if this input has been modified in the meantime.
- Reports are not intended to document simple changes. As a report adds significant overhead, simple diffs might be a better choice.
Imagine a fragment (our context) and a report that lists all text nodes on the child axis of each 'entry' element:
<entry id="0">with some text</entry>
<report count="1" time="..." id="..." no-id-selector="false" test-id="">
<item item-id="0">
<old xpath="/text()[1]">with some text</old>
<new>with modified text</new>
An item
is the atomic unit of a report. It represents an arbitrary DOM node within our context.
are identified by their unique @item-id
, in this case '0'.The old
element carries the
original input node within the subtree of the item. The @xpath
attribute denotes its location
relative to the item
. The optional new
element recommends a modification of the item
. If we
apply the report to the context, the old node is substituted by the new.
To create a report, we need a minimal configuration (options) in addition to the given context:
import module namespace r = 'xq-reports';
map {
$r:ITEMS : function($context as node()) as node()* { $context//entry },
$r:ITEMID : function($item as node()) as xs:string { $item/@id/fn:string() },
$r:TEST :
function($items as node()*, $cache as map(*)?) as map(*)* {
for $item in $items
for $text in $item/child::text()
return map {
$r:ITEM : $item,
$r:OLD : $text,
$r:NEW : text { 'with modified text' }
The configuration consists of a map holding several function items.
: Is evaluated on the given context and returns all items to be tested.ITEMID
: Is evaluated on each item and returns its unique id.TEST
: Tests each item and eventually returns a report item, again as a map.
In case an item is reported the resulting map contains the following:
: The reported item itself. Passing a copy of the item destroys information on its absolute location within the context and leads to unexpected results.OLD
: The reported node within the subtree of the item. Again, do not pass a copy of this node.NEW
: A substituting sequence of nodes.
To modify our context, we simply pass the generated report, original context and options:
r:apply-to-copy($report, $context, $options)
<entry id="0">with modified text</entry>
The module namespace 'xq-reports' is bound to the prefix 'r' in all examples.
<n> text1<n> text2<n/></n></n>
map {
$r:ITEMS : function($context) { $context//text() },
$r:TEST :
function($texts, $cache) {
for $old in $texts
let $new := fn:normalize-space($old)
where $new ne $old
return map {
$r:ITEM : $old,
$r:OLD : $old,
$r:NEW : $new
<report count="2" time="..." id="..." no-id-selector="true" test-id="">
<item item-id="/Q{}n[1]/text()[1]">
<old xpath=""> text1</old>
<item item-id="/Q{}n[1]/Q{}n[1]/text()[1]">
<old xpath=""> text2</old>
Note: The @item-id
of an item equals its location within the context, if no ITEM-ID
is passed.
All items identified by the ITEMS
function within the context are passed to the TEST
This enables us to report items with respect to other items. The following example normalizes the
<entry id="id1"><pos>27</pos></entry>
<entry id="id3"><pos>4</pos></entry>
<entry id="id2"><pos>6</pos></entry>
map {
$r:ITEMS: function($ctx as node()) as node()* { $ctx/entry },
$r:ITEMID: function($item as node()) as xs:string { $item/@id/fn:string() },
function($items as node()*, $cache as map(*)?) as map(*)* {
let $items := for $i in $items order by number($i/pos/text()) return $i
for $item at $i in $items
let $pos := $item/pos
where number($pos/text()) ne $i
return map {
$r:ITEM : $item,
$r:OLD : $pos,
$r:NEW : element pos { $i }
<report count="3" time="..." id="..." no-id-selector="false" test-id="">
<item item-id="id3">
<old xpath="/Q{}pos[1]">
<item item-id="id2">
<old xpath="/Q{}pos[1]">
<item item-id="id1">
<old xpath="/Q{}pos[1]">
An optional cache can be passed to the options map. The Benefits are for example simple reuse of existing code and increased performance.
<person id="0" name="Christoph"/>
<person id="1" name="Maria"/>
map {
$r:ITEMS : function($context as node()) as node()* { $context//person },
$r:ITEMID : function($item as node()) as xs:string { $item/@id/fn:string() },
$r:TEST :
function($items as node()*, $cache as map(*)?) as map(*)* {
let $professions := $cache?professions
for $item in $items
let $item-new := $item update (
insert node attribute profession { $professions($item/@id) } into .
return map {
$r:ITEM : $item,
$r:OLD : $item,
$r:NEW : $item-new
$r:CACHE : map {
"professions" : map {
"0": "physiotherapist",
"1": "chemist"
<report count="2" time="2015-11-19T09:46:05.348+01:00" id="GzEpK6oLS7uC5G5pmduLEw" no-id-selector="false" test-id="">
<item item-id="0">
<old xpath="">
<person id="0" name="Christoph"/>
<person profession="physiotherapist" id="0" name="Christoph"/>
<item item-id="1">
<old xpath="">
<person id="1" name="Maria"/>
<person profession="chemist" id="1" name="Maria"/>
- @count: Number of
elements in the report (=reported errors). - @time: Time of creation.
- @id: Unique report id.
- @no-id-selector: If true, Items to-be-reported are identified exclusively via XPath location steps, no ids. As a consequence, changing the input context between the creation and application of a report may lead to unexpected results. It is recommended to supply an item-id selector, as this may significantly speed up the creation of a report.
- @test-id: Id of the performed test.
- @item-id: Unique Identification of an
. Can either be a string value that is unique to theitem
, or a unique XPath location step (see report/@no-id-selector). - @xpath: Location of
element relative to theitem
. - old: Input node at the location
, relative to theitem
. - new: Substituting node sequence (0-*). The child node of
is either deleted or replaced with one or several nodes. - info: Additional info for reference.
In the base directory run:
basex -v -t src/test
$root-context as node(),
$options as map(*)
) as element(report)
Creates an XML report. A minimal options map contains key/value pairs for: $r:ITEMS, $r:TEST.
$report as element(report),
$root-context as node(),
$options as map(*)
) as empty-sequence()
Applies a report to the given context. The context can be a fragment or a database node. A minimal options map contains key/value pairs for: $r:ITEMS
$report as element(report),
$root-context as node(),
$options as map(*)
) as node()
Applies a report to a copy of the given context and returns the copy. A minimal options map contains key/value pairs for: $r:ITEMS
All reporting functions accept an options map for report customization. All possible key/value pairs
are listed below. The Keys are declared as variables and are bound to the xq-reports
namespace. See examples for further reference.
function(node()) as node()*
Takes the root context and returns items to be tested.
(function(node()) as xs:string)?
Takes an item and returns its unique id.
function(node()*, map(*)?) as map(*)*
Takes all identified items within the context and returns one result map per reported item with the
following key/value pairs. Keys are again bound to the xq-reports
module namespace.
$r:ITEM as node()
: The item to be reported (don't pass copies!)$r:OLD as node()
: The reported node within the item subtree (again, don't pass copies!)$r:NEW as node()*
: Recommended substituting node sequence$r:INFO as node()*
: Additional information node sequence
Identifier of test function
Cache to leverage code reuse/evaluation speedups.