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Repository for the Ursprung Provenance Collection System


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The Ursprung Provenance Collection System

The Ursprung provenance collection system is a flexible provenance collection framework + a GUI for tracking machine learning and data science experiments and pipelines in a cluster.

The collection framework combines low-level provenance information from system sources (operating and file system) with application-specific provenance that can be collected through rules in Ursprung's rule language. The GUI allows users to navigate the provenance graph and has additional features to view and compare past pipeline executions.

Ursprung is currently only a research prototype and in pre-alpha.

Architecture overview

Ursprung consists of six main components:

  1. The provenance consumers
  2. The provenance GUI
  3. The provenance database
  4. The provd provenance daemons
  5. An auditd pluging to collect operating system events through Linux's auditing subsystem
  6. A Kafka message queue

The consumers, GUI, and database run on the master node while the provd daemons and the auditd plugin run on the cluster worker nodes from which provenance should be collected. Below is an overview of how the different components interact with each other.

Ursprung Architecture


To run Ursprung in your cluster, you need:

  • Linux nodes (tested with CentOS and RHEL 8)
  • A Kafka deployment
  • A Spectrum Scale file system with support for Watch Folder (version 5.0.1 or later)
  • Docker (or podman) on the master node

Building the System

To build Ursprung, clone this repository to a directory on your master node and cd into the cloned directory. It is recommended to run the master node on a separate (virtual) machine where provenance collection is not required as otherwise, provenance of the Ursprung system itself will be collected.

Building the master node components

Ursprung's main components are containerized and can be built through Docker (also tested with podman). All Dockerfiles are located in deployment. Before building the actual components the base image needs to be created through

cd deployment
docker build -f -t ursprung-base ../

After building the base image, you can build the database image and the collection-system image through

docker build -f Dockerfile.ursprung.db -t ursprung-db .
docker build -f Dockerfile.ursprung.collection-system -t ursprung-collection-system ../

Currently, the collection-system image contains both the consumer binaries and the provd binary.

Before builing the GUI image, you need to create a .env file under gui/backend with the following default content


The default content can be copied as is unless you are using your own database/want the repository for content tracking under a different location. Once the .env file has been created, build the GUI container image through

docker build -f Dockerfile.ursprung.gui -t ursprung-gui ../

Building the auditd plugin

The auditd plugin needs to be available on all cluster node where provenance should be tracked. You can either build the plugin on one node and copy the binary to the other nodes (given that the necessary dependencies are installed on these nodes) or build it manually on each cluster node.

To build the plugin, install the Develoment Tools and the auditd and unixodbc dependencies (the instructions are for CentOS 8). Note that building the plugin also requires cmake version 3.13 or higher. The default cmake version in CentOS 8 is 3.11. You can download later versions manually from here.

yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
yum install
yum install audit-libs-devel unixODBC-devel rapidjson-devel

The plugin also depends on librdkafka. To install librdkafka, run the following steps in a directory of your choice (note that for running make install you need to be root).

tar xzvf v1.4.2.tar.gz
cd librdkafka-1.4.2
make install

Once the dependencies are installed, run the following commands from the cloned repository

mkdir -p collection-system/build
mkdir -p collection-system/lib
cd collection-system/lib
git clone
cd ../build
cd auditd-plugin

Deploying Ursprung

To deploy and run Ursprung, you first need to prepare the master node and then setup the auditd plugin on the rest of the cluster.

Preparing the master node

First, create the following directories on your master node

mkdir -p /opt/ursprung
mkdir -p /opt/ursprung/config
mkdir -p /opt/ursprung/contenttracking
mkdir -p /opt/ursprung/data
mkdir -p /opt/ursprung/rules

Next, create a configuration file for both the auditd and scale consumer from the templates available in the repository under deployment/config. You do not need to change the database configuration if you're using the database as created in this instruction. If you're using your own database, you need to set up an ODBC DSN for it and specify the corresponding details in the consumer configuration. If you're using the default database, you just need to specify your Kafka brokers and set any authentication details (if required). If your Kafka deployment does not have authentication set, remove these options from the config template. You can leave the default topics but make sure to create the topics in your Kafka.

A quick way of deploying a single node Kafka instance is through Docker

docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --name kafka --env ADVERTISED_HOST=your-master-node --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 spotify/kafka

This starts a Kafka broker (port 9092) and a Zookeeper instance (port 2181) on your master node. You can create topics by logging in to the container and running the following commands

docker exec -it kafka /bin/bash
cd /opt/kafka_2.11-
./ --create --topic gpfs --partitions 1 --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1
./ --create --topic auditd --partitions 1 --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1

Copy the consumer configuration template files to /opt/ursprung/config and adapt them. Then start the individual components through the following commands

docker run --name ursprung-db -v /opt/ursprung/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data:z -p 5432:5432 -it ursprung-db
docker run --name ursprung-scale-consumer -v /opt/ursprung/:/opt/ursprung/ --network host -it ursprung-collection-system /opt/collection-system/build/consumer/prov-consumer -c /opt/ursprung/config/scale-consumer.cfg
docker run --name ursprung-auditd-consumer -v /opt/ursprung/:/opt/ursprung/ --network host -it ursprung-collection-system /opt/collection-system/build/consumer/prov-consumer -c /opt/ursprung/config/auditd-consumer.cfg
docker run --name ursprung-gui-backend -v /opt/ursprung/:/opt/ursprung/ --network host -it ursprung-gui node /opt/gui/backend/app.js
docker run --name ursprung-gui-frontend -p 3000:3000 -it ursprung-gui /bin/bash -c "cd /opt/gui/frontend; npm start" 

The GUI should now be available on your master node through a browser under at http://localhost:3000. Note that Ursprung will generate the provenance database (Postgres) under /opt/ursprung/data and automatically create the necessary schema. The data is hence persisted across restarts of the container.

Preparing the worker nodes

To set up the auditd plugin, update the plugin configuration template under deployment/config/auditd-plugin.cfg.template with your cluster's Kafka information and then run the following commands to copy the plugin and the necessary configurations to auditd's plugin folder. Note that the following instructions are for auditd version 3.0 and later in which the plugin system has been restructured. Previously, plugins were managed under /etc/audisp. If you're running an older version of auditd, make sure to copy the files to the right locations. As root, run the following commands

mkdir -p /etc/audit/plugins.d/plugins
cp collection-system/build/auditd-plugin/auditd-plugin /etc/audit/plugins.d/plugins
cp deployment/config/auditd-plugin.conf.template /etc/audit/plugins.d/auditd-plugin.conf
cp deployment/config/auditd-plugin.cfg.template /etc/audit/plugins.d/plugins/auditd-plugin.cfg

You should also update the auditd configuration for a more robust event delivery.

mv /etc/audit/auditd.conf /etc/audit/auditd.conf.bak
cp deployment/auditd/auditd3.0.conf /etc/audit/

When you start auditd through service auditd start, you should see the following log output in syslog, which indicates that the plugin has been successfully loaded.

audit dispatcher initialized with q_depth=99999 and 1 active plugins

Note that on CentOS, you might see 2 active plugins as the sedispatch auditd plugin might be enabled by default. You may also have to set SELinux into permissive mode (or disable it) if you get errors that prevent auditd from accessing the plugin executable. To temporarily set SELinux to permissive mode, run

setenforce 0

TODO: add instructions for older auditd versions

Collecting Provenance

Collecting basic provenance on process/file interactions

To collect provenance, you need to set up collection rules for auditd and Spectrum Scale. For auditd just copy deployment/auditd/ursprung.rules to /etc/audit/rules.d. For Spectrum Scale, edit deployment/scale/ursprung-watch.cfg.template and add your broker information. Then run mmwatch fs0 enable -F ursprung-watch.cfg to set up Watch Folders. You should now be able to collect basic provenance from your system and see interactions of processes with files on the Spectrum Scale file system.

Collecting application-specific provenance through rules


Exploring the Provenance



Repository for the Ursprung Provenance Collection System







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