This repository contains research on diversity in personalized news recommendation. We research the effect of personalized levels of diversity in personalized news recommendation. We use a novel re-ranking algorithm, called Personalized Diverse Recommendation (PD-Rec), to introduce diversity to state-of-the-art news recommenders.
This work was done for the Master thesis for the master Artificial Intelligence @ UvA (University of Amsterdam)
This repository consists of the following main scripts and folders:
- Hyperparameter Search: this folder contains all the results from the hyperparameter search.
- Experimental Results: this folder contains all the results from the experiments, ordered per experiment.
- Code: this folder contains all the source code.
- Code/ this python file is the main file to call when running the experiments.
- Code/ this python file is the file to call when running the full diversity and random baselines.
The accompanying thesis of this research can be found in this repository as Thesis.pdf.
Our re-split version of the MIND dataset can be found in this Drive folder. Due to privacy laws and considerations we are unable to make the RTL-NR dataset public.
- Anaconda. Available at:
- Open Anaconda prompt and clone this repository (or download and unpack zip):
git clone
- Create the environment:
conda env create -f environments/environment.yml
- Activate the environment:
conda activate PDRec
- Move to the directory:
cd MasterThesis/Code
Download our MIND dataset split and unzip into a folder called MIND:
Run the training function with default parameters:
The models can be trained and evaluated using the following command line arguments:
usage: [-h] [--mode MODE] [--dataset DATASET] [--root_data_dir ROOT_DATA_DIR] [--train_dir TRAIN_DIR]
[--dev_dir DEV_DIR] [--test_dir TEST_DIR] [--model_dir MODEL_DIR] [--load_ckpt_name LOAD_CKPT_NAME]
[--save_dev_results SAVE_DEV_RESULTS] [--seed SEED] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--optimizer OPTIMIZER] [--lr LR]
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--npratio NPRATIO] [--enable_gpu ENABLE_GPU]
[--shuffle_buffer_size SHUFFLE_BUFFER_SIZE] [--num_workers NUM_WORKERS] [--log_steps LOG_STEPS]
[--patience PATIENCE] [--filter_num FILTER_NUM] [--architecture ARCHITECTURE]
[--num_unfrozen_layers NUM_UNFROZEN_LAYERS] [--num_words_title NUM_WORDS_TITLE]
[--num_words_abstract NUM_WORDS_ABSTRACT] [--user_log_length USER_LOG_LENGTH]
[--news_encoder_model NEWS_ENCODER_MODEL] [--news_dim NEWS_DIM]
[--news_query_vector_dim NEWS_QUERY_VECTOR_DIM] [--user_query_vector_dim USER_QUERY_VECTOR_DIM]
[--num_attention_heads NUM_ATTENTION_HEADS] [--drop_rate DROP_RATE] [--do_lower_case DO_LOWER_CASE]
[--diversify DIVERSIFY] [--similarity_measure SIMILARITY_MEASURE] [--reranking_function RERANKING_FUNCTION]
[--s_min S_MIN] [--s_max S_MAX] [--d_min D_MIN] [--d_max D_MAX] [--fixed_s FIXED_S]
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
--mode MODE Whether to train, test or both. Options: ['train', 'test', 'train_test']. Default is 'train'.
--dataset DATASET Which dataset to use. Options: ['MIND', 'RTL_NR']. Default is 'MIND'.
--root_data_dir ROOT_DATA_DIR Root directory of the data. Default is './MIND'.
--train_dir TRAIN_DIR Directory within the root_data_dir where the training data is stored. Default is 'train'.
--dev_dir DEV_DIR Directory within the root_data_dir where the dev data is stored. Default is 'dev'.
--test_dir TEST_DIR Directory within the root_data_dir where the test data is stored. Default is 'test'.
--model_dir MODEL_DIR Directory where the model is saved and loaded from. Default is './model'.
--load_ckpt_name LOAD_CKPT_NAME Checkpoint to load during testing. Default is None (don\'t load any).
--save_dev_results SAVE_DEV_RESULTS Boolean indicating whether to save the evaluation results (recommendations, user similarity and candidate diversity). Default is False.
--seed SEED Seed to use during training. Default is 1234.
--epochs EPOCHS Number of epochs to train for. Default is 10.
--optimizer OPTIMIZER Optimizer to use for training. Options: ['adam', 'adamw', 'sgd', 'sgd_momentum']. Default is 'adam'.
--lr LR Learning rate to use during training. Default is 1e-4.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE Batch size to use during training and testing. Default is 64.
--npratio NPRATIO Number of negatives to sample per positive training example. Default is 4.
--enable_gpu ENABLE_GPU Boolean indicating whether to use the GPU or not. Default is True.
--shuffle_buffer_size SHUFFLE_BUFFER_SIZE Buffer size for shuffling the dataset. Default is 10000.
--num_workers NUM_WORKERS Number of workers for data loading. Default is 0.
--log_steps LOG_STEPS Number of steps before logging intermediate metrics. Default is 1000.
--patience PATIENCE Number of epochs without improvement in AUC before stopping. Default is 3.
--filter_num FILTER_NUM Number of word occurences to filter out. Default is 0 (no filtering).
--architecture ARCHITECTURE Which model architecture to use. Options: ['plm4newsrec', 'nrms', 'naml', 'lstur']. Default is 'plm4newsrec'.
--num_unfrozen_layers NUM_UNFROZEN_LAYERS Number of last layers to keep unfrozen in the encoder model. Default is 2.
--num_words_title NUM_WORDS_TITLE Maximum token length of the title. Default is 20.
--num_words_abstract NUM_WORDS_ABSTRACT Maximum token length of the abstract. Default is 50.
--user_log_length USER_LOG_LENGTH Maximum length of the user history. Default is 50.
--news_encoder_model NEWS_ENCODER_MODEL Text encoder model for the news content (only used in plm4newsrec architecture). Options: ['bert', 'fastformer']. Default is 'fastformer'.
--news_dim NEWS_DIM Dimensionality of the news embeddings. Default is 64.
--news_query_vector_dim NEWS_QUERY_VECTOR_DIM Dimensionality of the news query vector. Default is 200.
--user_query_vector_dim USER_QUERY_VECTOR_DIM Dimensionality of the user query vector. Default is 200.
--num_attention_heads NUM_ATTENTION_HEADS Number of attention heads. Default is 20.
--drop_rate DROP_RATE Dropout rate to use during training. Default is 0.2.
--do_lower_case DO_LOWER_CASE Boolean indicating whether to lower case the data when using NRMS or NAML. Default is True.
--diversify DIVERSIFY Boolean indicating whether to diversify the recommendations. Default is False.
--similarity_measure SIMILARITY_MEASURE Similarity measure to use for diversification, only used when diversify=True. Options: ['cosine_similarity', 'euclidean_distance']. Default is 'cosine_similarity'.
--reranking_function RERANKING_FUNCTION Reranking function to use for diversification, only used when diversify=True. Options: ['naive', 'bound', 'normalized']. Default is 'naive'.
--s_min S_MIN Minimimum user similarity value, only used when reranking_function is either 'bound' or 'normalized'. Default is 0.0 (not used).
--s_max S_MAX Maximum user similarity value, only used when reranking_function is either 'bound' or 'normalized'. Default is 0.0 (not used).
--d_min D_MIN Minimimum candidate diversity value, only used when reranking_function is 'normalized'. Default is 0.0 (not used).
--d_max D_MAX Maximum candidate diversity value, only used when reranking_function is 'normalized'. Default is 0.0 (not used).
--fixed_s FIXED_S Fixed user similarity weight. Default is 0.0 (weight is determined per user).
For the baselines, the same set of parameters apply but not all are used. The default parameters will suffice here.
- Luuk Kaandorp - [email protected]
- The re-split MIND dataset is taken from the original MIND website.
- Much of the original training loop is adapted from the orignal PLM4NewsRec Github.
- The NRMS and NAML models have been adapted from this PyTorch news recommenders Github.