Project Xpression: A winning hackathon project I worked with a team on to win The Teradata Labs Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Services Hackathon 2017 as a freshman at UC San Diego. This is my personal copy. I specialized on the implementation of Aster analytics software. I created two classification models using two different techniques, General Linear Model and A Support Vector Machine. Once we identified that the SVM yield the most accurate results, we used that to classify the drivers into one of ten categories of distraction levels.
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Machine Learning application using AWS Rekognition and Teradata Aster used to classify drivers into one of ten categories, each representing different levels of distraction.
- Access to AWS Rekognition
- Teradata Services
- Access to Teradata Aster
- Access to TDBMS
Program Overview: There are several portions of the pipeline that need to be run in order to preprocess data, store it, and then operate on it using Aster.
- Preprocessing
- Ensure AWSCLI is set up with the proper credentials.
- Run's functions as appropriate. It uses RekognitionInterface's definitions to use pass images through AWS Rekognition. The returned results can be placed in a CSV file for easy importing into a Teradata database.
- Storing data
- Once the database is set up, run to place the data into the database using a SQL query.
- Using Aster
- Use the SVM function on the imported data to classify image features.