Releases: MAHTEP/TEMOA-Europe
- Feedstock consumption included in end-use consumption
- New scenario features for nuclear fission capacity increase and carbon taxes
- Reduction of the CF for wind offshore
TEMOA-Europe v3.3 includes updates concerning:
- Constraints on gasoline and oil products
- Correction on database_preprocessing to compute the value of CostVariable in 2050
- Minor corrections on input commodities in the industrial sector (iron and steel, pulp and paper)
- Constraint on recycled paper
- Update import prices with values reckoned in April 2024
- Results postprocessing (including a detailed and automatic analysis of significant results)
This is the release 3.2 of the TEMOA-Europe model, dated March 21th, 2024.
This is the version used in the paper "TEMOA-europe: An open-source and open-data energy system optimization model for the analysis of the European energy mix", published on Energy on September 2024.
The main updates with respect to v3.1 regard the biofuels chain, the calibration of historical data and the heat generation and consumption sector.
This release includes the "deterministic demand" database and the "price-elastic demand" database (price elasticity is applied to non-metallic minerals, pulp and paper, chemicals). An updated version of the Results.xlsx sheet presents comparisons against the International Energy Agency's Announced Pledges Scenario results reported in the World Energy Outlook 2023.
Minor updates
TEMOA-Europe version to be used for runs up to 2050. This TEMOA-Europe version has been used for the first GRINS Project Policy Brief "Analysis of the long-term effects of the restrictions on trade with Russia on the European energy system".
TEMOA-Europe version to be used for runs up to 2050. This TEMOA-Europe version has been used for the work "Analysis of the long-term effects of the restrictions on trade with Russia using the TEMOA-Europe energy system optimization model" presented at the 9th International conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2023) at Gran Canaria, Spain.
This is the version presented in the PhD thesis "Development of an open-source and open-data energy system optimization model for the analysis of the European energy mix" defended by Daniele Lerede in March 2023. It works on a time scale up to 2100.