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Implement simplify for bez paths
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Implementation of SimplifyBezPath including ParamCurveFit.

This also fixes some issues with the trait and fit implementation.

Also a bit of cleanup, comment fixes, and micro-optimization.
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raphlinus authored and ctrlcctrlv committed Dec 30, 2022
1 parent 88858b7 commit 5b58162
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use kurbo::{fit_to_bezpath, offset::CubicOffset, CubicBez, Shape};
use kurbo::{offset::CubicOffset, CubicBez, Shape};

fn main() {
println!("<svg width='800' height='600' xmlns=''>");
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
use kurbo::{BezPath, Point};

fn plot_fn(f: &dyn Fn(f64) -> f64, d: &dyn Fn(f64) -> f64, xa: f64, xb: f64, n: usize) -> BezPath {
let width = 800.;
let dx = (xb - xa) / n as f64;
let xs = width / (xb - xa);
let ys = 250.;
let y_origin = 300.;
let plot = |x, y| Point::new((x - xa) * xs, y_origin - y * ys);
let mut x0 = xa;
let mut y0 = f(xa);
let mut d0 = d(xa);
let mut path = BezPath::new();
path.move_to(plot(x0, y0));
for i in 0..n {
let x3 = xa + dx * (i + 1) as f64;
let y3 = f(x3);
let d3 = d(x3);
let x1 = x0 + (1. / 3.) * dx;
let x2 = x3 - (1. / 3.) * dx;
let y1 = y0 + d0 * (1. / 3.) * dx;
let y2 = y3 - d3 * (1. / 3.) * dx;
path.curve_to(plot(x1, y1), plot(x2, y2), plot(x3, y3));
x0 = x3;
y0 = y3;
d0 = d3;

fn main() {
println!("<svg width='800' height='600' xmlns=''>");
let path = plot_fn(&|x| x.sin(), &|x| x.cos(), -8., 8., 20);
" <path d='{}' stroke='#8c8' fill='none' stroke-width='5'/>",
let simpl = kurbo::simplify::SimplifyBezPath::new(path);
let simplified_path = kurbo::fit_to_bezpath_opt(&simpl, 0.1);
" <path d='{}' stroke='#000' fill='none' stroke-width='1'/>",
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Expand Up @@ -52,19 +52,20 @@ pub trait ParamCurveFit {
fn moment_integrals(&self, range: Range<f64>) -> (f64, f64, f64) {
let t0 = 0.5 * (range.start + range.end);
let dt = 0.5 * (range.end - range.start);
let (a, x, y) = GAUSS_LEGENDRE_COEFFS_16
.map(|(wi, xi)| {
let t = t0 + xi * dt;
let (p, d) = self.sample_pt_deriv(t);
let a = (0.5 * wi) * d.x * p.y;
let a = wi * d.x * p.y;
let x = p.x * a;
let y = p.y * a;
(a, x, y)
.fold((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), |(a0, x0, y0), (a1, x1, y1)| {
(a0 + a1, x0 + x1, y0 + y1)
(a * dt, x * dt, y * dt)

/// Find a cusp or corner within the given range.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ impl CurveFitSample {
let c3 =;
solve_cubic(c0, c1, c2, c3)
.filter(|&t| t >= 0. && t <= 1.)
.filter(|t| (0.0..=1.0).contains(t))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,17 +172,19 @@ pub fn fit_to_cubic(
let th0 = start.tangent.atan2() - th;
let th1 = th - end.tangent.atan2();

let (a, x, y) = source.moment_integrals(range.clone());
let (mut area, mut x, mut y) = source.moment_integrals(range.clone());
let (x0, y0) = (start.p.x, start.p.y);
let (dx, dy) = (d.x, d.y);
let dt = range.end - range.start;
let area = a * dt - dx * (y0 + 0.5 * dy);
// `area` is signed area of closed curve segment (ie with chord subtracted).
// Subtract off area of chord
area -= dx * (y0 + 0.5 * dy);
// `area` is signed area of closed curve segment.
// This quantity is invariant to translation and rotation.

// Subtract off moment of chord
let mut x = x * dt - dx * (x0 * y0 + 0.5 * (x0 * dy + y0 * dx) + (1. / 3.) * dy * dx);
let mut y = y * dt - dx * (y0 * y0 + y0 * dy + (1. / 3.) * dy * dy);
// Translate start point to origin; convert to moments.
let dy_3 = dy * (1. / 3.);
x -= dx * (x0 * y0 + 0.5 * (x0 * dy + y0 * dx) + dy_3 * dx);
y -= dx * (y0 * y0 + y0 * dy + dy_3 * dy);
// Translate start point to origin; convert raw integrals to moments.
x -= x0 * area;
y = 0.5 * y - y0 * area;
// Rotate into place (this also scales up by chordlength for efficiency).
Expand All @@ -193,7 +196,7 @@ pub fn fit_to_cubic(
let chord2_inv = chord2.recip();
let unit_area = area * chord2_inv;
let mx = moment * chord2_inv.powi(2);
// `area` is signed area scaled to unit chord; `moment` is scaled x moment
// `unit_area` is signed area scaled to unit chord; `mx` is scaled x moment

let chord = chord2.sqrt();
let aff = Affine::translate(start.p.to_vec2()) * Affine::rotate(th) * Affine::scale(chord);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,17 +382,21 @@ pub fn fit_to_bezpath_opt(source: &impl ParamCurveFit, accuracy: f64) -> BezPath

fn measure_one_seg(source: &impl ParamCurveFit, range: Range<f64>) -> Option<f64> {
fit_to_cubic(source, range, HUGE).map(|(_, err2)| err2.sqrt())

/// An Ok return is the t1 that hits the desired accuracy.
/// An Err return is the error of t0..1.
fn fit_opt_segment(source: &impl ParamCurveFit, accuracy: f64, t0: f64) -> Result<f64, f64> {
let (_, err2) = fit_to_cubic(source, t0..1.0, HUGE).unwrap();
let err = err2.sqrt();
let missing_err = accuracy * 2.0;
let err = measure_one_seg(source, t0..1.0).unwrap_or(missing_err);
if err <= accuracy {
return Err(err);
let f = |x| {
let (_, err2) = fit_to_cubic(source, t0..x, HUGE).unwrap();
err2.sqrt() - accuracy
let err = measure_one_seg(source, t0..x).unwrap_or(missing_err);
err - accuracy
const EPS: f64 = 1e-9;
let k1 = 2.0 / (1.0 - t0);
Expand All @@ -405,6 +412,6 @@ fn fit_opt_err_delta(source: &impl ParamCurveFit, accuracy: f64, n: usize) -> f6
// error is highly non-monotonic. We should probably harvest that solution.
t0 = fit_opt_segment(source, accuracy, t0).unwrap();
let (_, err2) = fit_to_cubic(source, t0..1.0, HUGE).unwrap();
accuracy - err2.sqrt()
let err = measure_one_seg(source, t0..1.0).unwrap_or(accuracy * 2.0);
accuracy - err
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@@ -1,124 +1,22 @@
//! Simplification of a Bézier path
use crate::CubicBez;
use std::ops::Range;

/// Compute moment integrals.
pub fn moment_integrals(c: CubicBez) -> (f64, f64, f64) {
let (x0, y0) = (c.p0.x, c.p0.y);
let (x1, y1) = (c.p1.x, c.p1.y);
let (x2, y2) = (c.p2.x, c.p2.y);
let (x3, y3) = (c.p3.x, c.p3.y);
let r0 = x0 * y3;
let r1 = x0 * y0;
let r2 = x0 * y1;
let r3 = 3. * y2;
let r4 = r3 * x0;
let r5 = x1 * y3;
let r6 = 3. * r5;
let r7 = x2 * y3;
let r8 = 45. * x1;
let r9 = 45. * x0;
let r10 = 15. * r0;
let r11 = 18. * x0;
let r12 = 12. * r0;
let r13 = 27. * y2;
let r14 = x0.powi(2);
let r15 = 105. * y1;
let r16 = 30. * y2;
let r17 = x1.powi(2);
let r18 = x2.powi(2);
let r19 = x3.powi(2);
let r20 = 45. * y2;
let r21 = y0.powi(2);
let r22 = y1.powi(2);
let r23 = y2.powi(2);
let r24 = y3.powi(2);

let a = -r0 - 10. * r1 - 6. * r2 - r3 * x1 - r4 - r6 - 6. * r7
+ 6. * x1 * y0
+ 3. * x2 * y0
+ 3. * x2 * y1
+ x3 * y0
+ 3. * x3 * y1
+ 6. * x3 * y2
+ 10. * x3 * y3;
let x = -5. * r0 * x3
- r10 * x1
- r11 * x2 * y2
- r12 * x2
- r13 * r17
- r13 * x1 * x2
- r14 * r15
- r14 * r16
- 280. * r14 * y0
- 5. * r14 * y3
+ 45. * r17 * y0
- 18. * r17 * y3
+ 18. * r18 * y0
+ 27. * r18 * y1
- 45. * r18 * y3
+ 5. * r19 * y0
+ 30. * r19 * y1
+ 105. * r19 * y2
+ 280. * r19 * y3
- r2 * r8
- r4 * x3
- 30. * r5 * x3
- r7 * r8
- 105. * r7 * x3
- r9 * x1 * y2
+ 105. * x0 * x1 * y0
+ 30. * x0 * x2 * y0
+ 5. * x0 * x3 * y0
+ 3. * x0 * x3 * y1
+ 45. * x1 * x2 * y0
+ 27. * x1 * x2 * y1
+ 12. * x1 * x3 * y0
+ 15. * x2 * x3 * y0
+ 18. * x1 * x3 * y1
+ 45. * x2 * x3 * y1
+ 45. * x2 * x3 * y2;
let y = -5. * r0 * y0
- r1 * r15
- r1 * r16
- r10 * y2
- r11 * r23
- r12 * y1
- r13 * x1 * y1
- r2 * r20
- r20 * r5
- r20 * r7
- 140. * r21 * x0
+ 105. * r21 * x1
+ 30. * r21 * x2
+ 5. * r21 * x3
- r22 * r9
+ 27. * r22 * x2
+ 18. * r22 * x3
- 27. * r23 * x1
+ 45. * r23 * x3
- 5. * r24 * x0
- 30. * r24 * x1
- 105. * r24 * x2
+ 140. * r24 * x3
- 18. * r5 * y1
- r6 * y0
+ 45. * x1 * y0 * y1
+ 45. * x2 * y0 * y1
+ 18. * x2 * y0 * y2
+ 3. * x2 * y0 * y3
+ 27. * x2 * y1 * y2
+ 15. * x3 * y0 * y1
+ 12. * x3 * y0 * y2
+ 5. * x3 * y0 * y3
+ 45. * x3 * y1 * y2
+ 30. * x3 * y1 * y3
+ 105. * x3 * y2 * y3;
(a * (1. / 20.), x * (1. / 840.), y * (1. / 420.))
use crate::{
CubicBez, CurveFitSample, ParamCurve, ParamCurveDeriv, ParamCurveFit, PathEl, Point, Vec2,

/// A Bézier path which has been prepared for simplification.
pub struct SimplifyBezPath(Vec<SimplifyCubic>);

struct SimplifyCubic {
c: CubicBez,
// The inclusive prefix sum of the moment integrals
moments: (f64, f64, f64),

/// Compute moment integrals.
pub fn moment_integrals2(c: CubicBez) -> (f64, f64, f64) {
pub fn moment_integrals(c: CubicBez) -> (f64, f64, f64) {
let (x0, y0) = (c.p0.x, c.p0.y);
let (x1, y1) = (c.p1.x - x0, c.p1.y - y0);
let (x2, y2) = (c.p2.x - x0, c.p2.y - y0);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,7 +71,100 @@ pub fn moment_integrals2(c: CubicBez) -> (f64, f64, f64) {
- r8 * y2;

let mx = x * (1. / 840.) + x0 * area + 0.5 * x3 * lift;
let my = y * (1. / 420.) + y0 * a * 0.1 + x0 * lift;
let my = y * (1. / 420.) + y0 * a * 0.1 + y0 * lift;

(area, mx, my)

impl SimplifyBezPath {
/// Set up a new Bézier path for simplification.
/// Currently this is not dealing with discontinuities at all, but it
/// could be extended to do so.
pub fn new(path: impl IntoIterator<Item = PathEl>) -> Self {
let (mut a, mut x, mut y) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
let els = crate::segments(path)
.map(|seg| {
let c = seg.to_cubic();
let (ai, xi, yi) = moment_integrals(c);
a += ai;
x += xi;
y += yi;
SimplifyCubic {
moments: (a, x, y),

/// Resolve a `t` value to a cubic.
/// Also return the resulting `t` value for the selected cubic.
fn scale(&self, t: f64) -> (usize, f64) {
let t_scale = t * self.0.len() as f64;
let t_floor = t_scale.floor();
(t_floor as usize, t_scale - t_floor)

fn moment_integrals(&self, i: usize, range: Range<f64>) -> (f64, f64, f64) {
if range.end == range.start {
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
} else {

impl ParamCurveFit for SimplifyBezPath {
fn sample_pt_deriv(&self, t: f64) -> (Point, Vec2) {
let (mut i, mut t0) = self.scale(t);
let n = self.0.len();
if i == n {
i -= 1;
t0 = 1.0;
let c = self.0[i].c;
(c.eval(t0), c.deriv().eval(t0).to_vec2() * n as f64)

fn sample_pt_tangent(&self, t: f64, _: f64) -> CurveFitSample {
let (mut i, mut t0) = self.scale(t);
if i == self.0.len() {
i -= 1;
t0 = 1.0;
let c = self.0[i].c;
let p = c.eval(t0);
let tangent = c.deriv().eval(t0).to_vec2();
CurveFitSample { p, tangent }

// We could use the default implementation, but provide our own, mostly
// because it is possible to efficiently provide an analytically accurate
// answer.
fn moment_integrals(&self, range: Range<f64>) -> (f64, f64, f64) {
let (i0, t0) = self.scale(range.start);
let (i1, t1) = self.scale(range.end);
if i0 == i1 {
self.moment_integrals(i0, t0..t1)
} else {
let (a0, x0, y0) = self.moment_integrals(i0, t0..1.0);
let (a1, x1, y1) = self.moment_integrals(i1, 0.0..t1);
let (mut a, mut x, mut y) = (a0 + a1, x0 + x1, y0 + y1);
if i1 > i0 + 1 {
let (a2, x2, y2) = self.0[i0].moments;
let (a3, x3, y3) = self.0[i1 - 1].moments;
a += a3 - a2;
x += x3 - x2;
y += y3 - y2;
(a, x, y)

fn break_cusp(&self, _: Range<f64>) -> Option<f64> {

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