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A small library providing utility methods for logging in and managing users. The application runs as a standalone server with a RESTful API that allows you to interact with the underlying functions. Users requires NodeJS v.0.12.0 (or IO.js), Node Package Manager (NPM) and a running instance of mongoDB

Current stable version

  • Version 0.5.0


Setting up the Google services

Setup Google Developer Settings & Services


  1. Make sure all the requirements are installed before continuing. Create a folder on your server with write permissions, then go into that folder
sudo mkdir users
cd users
  1. Download the users project from gitgub

If you want the latest stable release

sudo curl -o- | bash

If you want the latest dev release

sudo curl -o- | bash
  1. Call 'npm install' to load the dependencies for building the project from source code

    npm install

  2. Now build the project with gulp

    gulp build

This will create a dist folder that contains the built application. But we still need to add the dependencies that the application itself requires.

cd dist
npm install

The dist folder contains an example-config.json. This file contains all the settings of your users instance and is required for startup. Its advisable that you do not edit this file directly, and instead make a copy of it and use the copy instead.

cp example-config.json config.json

Now edit the config with your server's setup details.


To start the server, simply run the dist/main.js file using node (at least v.0.12.0) or IO. You must pass the location of the config file as the first argument. The server uses mongoDB as its database engine - make sure this is running before you start the server.

node main.js --config="config.json" --logging="true" --logFile="logs.log" --numThreads="max"

The config file must be formatted as a valid JSON. Please have a look at the latest config definition for details of what each parameter does.

Socket API

Users has some basic support for websockets that are used to communicate events and other services to approved clients. You can find out more information from here

REST Functions

Below is a list of function calls you can make once the server is running. Each call returns a JSON object. Calls can be made from both a client browser or server, though some requests will require the caller to be authenticated.


Checks to see if a user is logged in. If the user is logged in, then their details will be sent back in the 'user' field. By default the information of the user that is returned is obscured. You can turn this off by adding the verbose=true query parameter. The verbose parameter will only be respected for admin users and if the user making the call is the same as the user's details being requested.


Request Type: GET


  • verbose - If true, sensitive data will not be obscured. This will only work for admin users.



	message: "User is authenticated",
	authenticated: true,
	error: false,
	user: {
		_id: "7840fen39f38fj8384f73j",
		email: "[email protected]",
		lastLoggedIn: 1432114922204,
		username: "test",
		privileges: 1


Attempts to log the user in with the provided credentials


Request Type: POST


  • username - The username of the user
  • password - The password of the user
  • rememberMe - True if the login state should persist.



	message: "User is authenticated",
	authenticated: true,
	error: false


Attempts to log out the current user. This removes the user's session and they will have to login again to be authenticated.


Request Type: GET



	message: "Successfully logged out",
	error: false

Get Specific User

You must be logged in to make this call. Fetches a specific user from the database. By default the information returned is obscured. You can turn this off by adding the verbose=true query parameter. The verbose parameter will only be respected for admin users and if the user making the call is the same as the user's details being requested.


Request Type: GET


  • username - The username or email of the user to get
  • verbose - If true, sensitive data will not be obscured. This will only work for admin users.


http://localhost:8000/api/users/test // Gets the user with the username test
http://localhost:8000/api/users/test?verbose=true // Gets the user with the username test and does not obscure the sensitive data

	error: false,
	message: "Found user test",
	data: {
		_id: "57gjdn85738fj57fj57f84j4",
		email: "[email protected]",
		lastLoggedIn: 1432114922204,
		username: "test",
		privileges: 1

Get Users

You must be logged in to make this call. By default the information returned is obscured. You can turn this off by adding the verbose=true query parameter. The verbose parameter will only be respected for admin users. You also narrow down the results with the other parameters listed below.


Request Type: GET


  • index - Specify the index to start the fetch from
  • limit - Specify the number of entries to fetch
  • search - Specify a term that either the email or username must contain. eg 'mat' will return users with the username or email containing the term 'mat'
  • verbose - If true, sensitive data will not be obscured

Example calls

http://localhost:8000/api/users // Gets all users
http://localhost:8000/api/users?index=0&limit=4 // Gets up to 4 users from index 0
http://localhost:8000/api/users?search=test // Gets all users with the username or email containing 'test'
http://localhost:8000/api/users?search=test&limit=4 // Gets up to 4 users with the username or email containing 'test'
http://localhost:8000/api/users?search=test&limit=4&index=1 // Gets up to 4 users from index 1 whose username or email contains 'test'
http://localhost:8000/api/users?verbose=true // If verbose, sensitive data will not be obscured

	error: false,
	message: "Found 4 users",
	count: 5,
	data: [
		0: {
			_id: "57gjdn85738fj57fj57f84j4",
			email: "[email protected]",
			lastLoggedIn: 1432114922204,
			username: "test",
			privileges: 1

Approve Activation

You must be logged in as an admin to make this call. Approves a user's activation code so they can login without email validation. Usually after a user logs in they have to click a link to activate their account. This function allows you to approve a user without them doing that.


Request Type: PUT


  • user - The username of email of the user to activate

Example calls

http://localhost:8000/api/users/mat/auth/approve-activation // Activates the account with the username "mat"

	error: false,
	message: "User's email has been activated"


Attempts to register a new user. This process will create a new user and send them an email with intructions on how to activate their account


Request Type: POST


  • username - The username of the user
  • password - The users secret password
  • email - The users email address
  • captcha - The captcha value the user guessed
  • challenge - The captcha challenge

Example calls

http://localhost:8000/api/auth/register // Activates the account with the username "mat"

	error: false,
	authenticated: true,
	message: "Please activate your account with the link sent to your email address"

Create User

You must be logged in as an admin to make this call Attempts to create a new user - circumventing registration. This process will create a new user and send them an email with intructions on how to activate their account.


Request Type: POST


  • username - The username of the user
  • password - The users secret password
  • email - The users email address

Example calls

http://localhost:8000/api/create-user // Activates the account with the username "mat"

	error: false,
	authenticated: true,
	message: "User created"
	data: {
		_id: "57gjdn85738fj57fj57f84j4",
		email: "[email protected]",
		lastLoggedIn: 1432114922204,
		username: "test",
		privileges: 1

Remove User

You must be logged in as an admin to make this call OR the user making the request is the same as the one being removed. You cannot remove super users. Attempts to delete a user and their details from the server


Request Type: DELETE


  • user - The username or email of the user

Example calls

http://localhost:8000/api/users/mat/remove-user // Removes the account with the username "mat"

	error: false,
	message: "User has been removed"

Resend Activation Link

Resends the activation link to the user


Request Type: GET


  • user - The username or email of the user

Example calls

http://localhost:8000/api/auth/resend-activation/mat // Sends an activation link to the user with the username "mat".
	error: false,
	message: "An activation link has been sent, please check your email for further instructions"

Activation User Account

Activates the user's account. After this function is called the server redirects the page to config.accountRedirectURL


Request Type: GET


  • user - The username or email of the user
  • key - The key that was generated on register or from a new activation link

Example calls


status=error    OR    status=success

Request Password Reset

Sends a password reset link the user's email and generates a password key that must be used when the passwordReset function is called. The link generated is config.passwordResetURL with "key" and "user" query parameters. So if the passwordResetURL is then the link would be something like


Request Type: GET


  • user - The username or email of the user

Example calls

http://localhost:8000/api/auth/request-password-reset/mat // Sends a password reset for the user with the username "mat".
	error: false,
	message: "Instructions have been sent to your email on how to change your password"

Password reset

Attempts to reset a user's password. This function requires you send the password change token which is sent to the user's email.


Request Type: GET


  • user - The username or email of the user
  • key - The password key that was generated by the requestPasswordReset and sent to the user
  • password - The new password

Example calls

http://localhost:8000/api/auth/password-reset // Removes the account with the username "mat"

message="It was a success"
status="error"  OR  status="success"