Plugin that allows you to log adding/updating/deleting of categories/entries/users.
- Log Entries, Users and Categories
- View exact details on what fields have changed
- View who changed what on what page
- Export an Audit Log CSV
- Search, filter and use date ranges to find log entries
- Has hooks that you can use to extend this plugin
- registerAuditLogSources
- getAuditLogTableAttributeHtml
- modifyAuditLogTableAttributes
- modifyAuditLogSortableAttributes
- Has events that you can listen to
- auditLog.onElementChanged
- Log more ElementTypes (Tags, Globals, Assets)
Important: The plugin's folder should be named "auditlog"
- Added a registerAuditLogSources hook to provide custom sources/criteria
- Fixed Audit Log not being able to fetch a specific log item
- Added a MIT license
- Added the ability to control logging per element type
- Performance fixes - works much smoother now by fully utilizing ElementType API
- Added "onElementChanged" event so you can check if a saved element really changed
- This event will also generate a diff between the before and after state of an element
- Fix errors that could occur when saving entries and categories anonymously
- Clean up arrays before showing, making them more readable
- Fixed source not being selected in CSV download
- Added CSRF protection for CSV downloads (thanks to Marion Newlevant)
- Added the ability to download a csv of the log
- Log more readable info, like Category Title & Group, Section Name and User Groups
- Improved searching
- Fixed date ranges not being accurate
- Added a modifyAuditLogSortableAttributes hook
- Removed ability to clear log - you can uninstall the plugin to do this
- Added a date range selector
- Made sorting work
- Added modifyAuditLogTableAttributes and getAuditLogTableAttributeHtml hooks
Warning! This version is updated for Craft 2.3 and does NOT work on Craft 2.2
- Fixed a bug where the user couldn't be shown in some cases
- Fixed origin url in some cases
- Better object parsing
- Also parse logged objects to string
- Also log user id when registrating
- Also save section id for entry logs
- Fixed a bug where the plugin didn't work on PHP 5.3
- Added the ability to clear the log
- Better fieldtype parsing
- You can now easily go to origin
- ID (and for Entries, Title) are also stored now
- Fix "changes" url in CP - Thanks to Tim Kelty
- Avoid Twig errors on array value - Thanks to Tim Kelty
- Transformed AuditLog into an ElementType for easier sorting, filtering, searching and pagination
- Initial push to GitHub