This repo contains an example demonstrated at Azure Python Day 2023 in the How to build a practical AI app with Python, Redis, and OpenAI session.
contains the main Streamlit application
is a juptyer notebook walking through the process of ingesting the data into pandas, filtering it, generating embeddings, loading into Redis, and performing search queries. You might want to start here :)
- An Azure OpenAI Service instance, with the text-embedding-ada-002 (version 2) model deployed
- You may need to apply for access if access is still being restricted.
- An Azure Cache for Redis instance
- You must use an Enterprise tier instance (e.g. E5, E10, etc.)
- You must provision the instance using the
cluster policy and with theRediSearch
module installed.
- If running locally, you must configure the environment variables for the OpenAI key, models, and endpoints, plus the Redis key and endpoint.
- If deploying through a container, you must configure the environement variables in the Dockerfile.
The Movie Recommender application (e.g.
) expects that the Redis instance already has embeddings loaded and a search index established. You may want to run the jupyter notebook first so this is set up.
az-containerapp-up is an extremely convenient way to deploy to an Azure Container App instance. All you need is the dockerfile and an Azure subscription!
This repo is a work in progress. If you have questions, please feel free to email [email protected]
and wiki_movie_plots_deduped.csv
(c) by JustinR
Original data source: Wikipedia Movie Plots - Kaggle
Data in wiki_movie_plots_1970to2017.csv
was modified to filter for only entries from 1970 or later, and take only films from America, Australia, Canada, and Britain.
and wiki_movie_plots_deduped.csv
are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If not, see
All other work is licensed under the MIT license.