Code and instructions for creating Disney vs. Pixar tournament based on IMDB and RottenTomatoes data
This is a game that I made for a friend who loves the movies from Walt Disney Animation Studios. The basic principle is a simple tournament in which Disney movies are pitted against Pixar movies. It is up to you to decide the best movie!
NOTE: All images of movies and characters used in this project are owned by Disney
- About the Project
- Getting Started
2.1. Scraper
2.2. Seed Score
2.3. Images - Game
Back to ToC
The main goal of this game is to simply choose your favorite movie in a tournament
where two movies face off each time. The best place to start with is the already filled
Pixar vs. Disney tournament. Select the movie you enjoy most and move on to the next
level until you have a winner!
In order to make the tournament interesting, I created a seed score for each movie based on their IMDB and RottenTomatoes scores and performance. Initially, higher scoring movies will face off against movies with lower scores in the hope that higher scoring movies will only face off later in the tournament.
The code can be divided in roughly three parts:
- Scraping IMDB and RottenTomatoes
- Creating the Seeding Scores
- Creating the Visualizations
If you want to use the game itself itself without running any code, please look in the folder images/results.
If you want to re-create the results without running scraper, simply run
from the src folder.
To newly scrape the data, simply run the following:
from imdb_scraper import scrape as imdb_scraper
from rotten_scraper import scrape as rotten_scraper
imdb_pixar, imdb_disney = imdb_scraper(save=True)
rotten_pixar, rotten_disney = rotten_scraper(save=True)
The basic formula for creating the seed score for each movie is:
If you want to have images beside each title, create a folder named images/thumbnails which you have to manually fill with an image for each movie (80 in total) that exactly match the title as displayed in the data.
I refrained from uploading the images as I am sure they are copyrighted, but was not sure if it would fall under fair use or not.
To play the game, use all images in the Game folder and simply follow the following rulebook: