Telegram VoiceChat Bot To Play Music With Pytgcalls From Various Sources In Your Group.
- A Telegram account to use as the music bot, You cannot use regular bot accounts, as they cannot join voice chats. It must be a user account.
- API_ID and API_HASH for that account.
- The account must be an admin of the chat, with Manage Voice Chats and Delete Messages permissions.
- Heroku:
- Get it by running This Repl
- Run this file locally.
Then you will get a session string, copy it, then press heroku deploy button.
Now use these Commands, to play music.
- Local machine/VPS:
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
apt-get install ffmpeg
touch .env && nano .env
, fill in the vars as in .env.sample
- Check if the (user)bot is online. [DEFAULT »»!on
- Help message. [DEFAULT »»!help
- Either give a youtube URL or reply to a telegram file to play it. [DEFAULT »»!stream
- Pause the stream. [DEFAULT »»!pause
- Yes, resume. [DEFAULT »»!resume
- If you want any help you can ask Here