Rails application running with Kubernetes Using the Minikube
Goals: 1- Create an image for a Rails application 2- create a ConfigMap to define environment variables 3- Create a Database, Cache and Rails services
Prerequisites install docker, Minikube and kubectl
start cluster
minikube start
eval $(minikube docker-env)
Building our Rails Images
Using the rails application that can be found here [https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/dockerizing-a-ruby-on-rails-application]. follow along.
after follow, let’s build the image and give it a [mahaga50/drkiq] name
docker build -t mahaga50/drkiq:1 .
Creating the env ConfigMap
` kubectl create configmap env-config \
--from-literal=postgres_user=drkiq \
--from-literal=postgres_password=yourpassword \
--from-literal=postgres_host=postgres \
--from-literal=WORKER_PROCESSES=1 \
--from-literal=LISTEN_ON= \
--from-literal=DATABASE_URL=postgresql://drkiq:yourpassword@postgres:5432/drkiq?encoding=utf8&pool=5&timeout=5000 \
--from-literal=CACHE_URL=redis://redis:6379/0 \
--from-literal=JOB_WORKER_URL=redis://redis:6379/0 `
to check configration
kubectl get configmap env-config -o yaml
if found error you can edit:
kubectl edit configmap env-config
Creating a Database and Cache Deployment
Creating the postgres service
kubectl create -f deploy/postgres.yml
Creating the redis service
kubectl create -f deploy/redis.yml
Creating an app Deployment
kubectl create -f deploy/drkiq.yml
kubectl create -f deploy/sidekiq.yml
Initialize the Database
kubectl exec [podid] -it -- rake db:reset
kubectl exec [podid] -it -- rake db:migrate
start service
minikube service drkiq --url