UI to display plane tracks from a time-independent datasource
- get live data from prometheus
- get time window data from prometheus (time window range from client)
- animate plane track movement (interpolate)
- animate plane track text (https://learn.svelte.dev/tutorial/key-blocks)
- add multiple update channels in backend
- fit tracks to screen (check on clientside if OOB, then dont render)
- add track deletion messages to clients
- oh god how am I gonna make maps (i made maps)
- figure out a way to display tracks relative to the current map position (max & min of lat & lon?)
- per id requests (with http) for historic data to draw track line & get more info
- correctly draw track line
- transmit updates in binary
- keep track moving on longer than update rate wait times with expected speed
- get page tree layout working without absolute
- design track popup window, and fill with http req
- create a packet framework, to allow different binary packets
- [/] move map with optionally followed plane
- fix plane loosing position when throwing map
- Svelte 5 docs: https://svelte-5-preview.vercel.app/docs/introduction
- Easing functions: https://easings.net
- Javascript Docs: https://javascript.info
- Icons: https://friconix.com/