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Feature/tailrec-optimizations-par-assignment #137

merged 13 commits into from
Sep 24, 2023
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/main/scala/satify/model/solver/PartialAssignment.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ import satify.model.cnf.CNF.*
import satify.model.solver.*
import satify.model.{Assignment, Variable}

import scala.annotation.tailrec

/** Represents an [[Assignment]] where the variables could not be yet constrained by the DPLL algorithm.
* @param optVariables optional variables.
case class PartialAssignment(optVariables: List[OptionalVariable]):
lazy val toAssignments: List[Assignment] = explodeAssignments(this)
lazy val toAssignments: List[Assignment] = explodeAssignments(this).distinct

/** Cartesian product of all possible variable assignments to a partial assignment.
* @param pa partial assignment
Expand All @@ -22,14 +24,14 @@ case class PartialAssignment(optVariables: List[OptionalVariable]):
head match
case OptionalVariable(name, None) =>
if next.nonEmpty then
val assignments = PartialAssignment(next).toAssignments
val assignments = explodeAssignments(PartialAssignment(next))
assignments.flatMap { case Assignment(v) =>
Assignment(Variable(name, true) +: v) :: Assignment(Variable(name, false) +: v) :: Nil
else Assignment(List(Variable(name, true))) :: Assignment(List(Variable(name, false))) :: Nil
case v @ OptionalVariable(_, Some(_)) =>
if next.nonEmpty then
.map { case Assignment(variables) => Assignment(v.toVariable +: variables) }
else List(Assignment(List(v.toVariable)))
case Nil => Nil
70 changes: 34 additions & 36 deletions src/main/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/Optimizations.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,20 +26,18 @@ private[dpll] object Optimizations:
def unitLiteralIdentification(cnf: CNF): Option[Constraint] =

val f: (CNF, Option[Constraint]) => Option[Constraint] =
(cnf, d) =>
cnf match
case Symbol(name: String) => Some(Constraint(name, true))
case Not(Symbol(name: String)) => Some(Constraint(name, false))
case _ => d
def loop(cnfList: List[CNF], result: Option[Constraint] = None): Option[Constraint] =
cnfList match
case Nil => result
case And(left, right) :: tail => loop(left :: right :: tail, None)
case head :: tail =>
head match
case Symbol(name: String) => Some(Constraint(name, true))
case Not(Symbol(name: String)) => Some(Constraint(name, false))
case _ => loop(tail, None)

cnf match
case And(left, right) => f(left, f(right, unitLiteralIdentification(right)))
case Or(_, _) => None
case _ => None
loop(cnf :: Nil)

/** Identify a pure literal.
* @param dec previous decision
Expand All @@ -51,36 +49,36 @@ private[dpll] object Optimizations:

/** Get the literal type, if it is present inside the given CNF.
* @param name of the symbol.
* @param cnf where to search.
* @param cnfList where to search.
* @return a filled Option with the literal type if it is present, an empty one otherwise.
def getLiteralType(name: String, cnf: CNF): Option[LitType] =

val recursiveStep: (String, CNF, CNF) => Option[LitType] = (n, left, right) =>
getLiteralType(n, left) match
case Some(Pure(cLeft)) =>
getLiteralType(n, right) match
case Some(Pure(cRight)) if cLeft == cRight => Some(Pure(cLeft))
case None => Some(Pure(cLeft))
case _ => Some(Impure)
case None => getLiteralType(n, right)
case impure @ _ => impure

cnf match
case Symbol(n: String) if name == n => Some(Pure(Constraint(n, true)))
case Not(Symbol(n: String)) if name == n => Some(Pure(Constraint(n, false)))
case And(left, right) => recursiveStep(name, left, right)
case Or(left, right) => recursiveStep(name, left, right)
case _ => None
def getLiteralType(name: String, cnfList: List[CNF], result: Option[LitType] = None): Option[LitType] =
cnfList match
case ::(head, tail) =>
head match
case Symbol(n: String) if name == n =>
result match
case Some(Pure(Constraint(_, false))) => Some(Impure)
case _ => getLiteralType(n, tail, Some(Pure(Constraint(n, true))))
case Not(Symbol(n: String)) if name == n =>
result match
case Some(Pure(Constraint(_, true))) => Some(Impure)
case _ => getLiteralType(n, tail, Some(Pure(Constraint(n, false))))
case And(left, right) => getLiteralType(name, left :: right :: tail, result)
case Or(left, right) => getLiteralType(name, left :: right :: tail, result)
case _ => getLiteralType(name, tail, result)
case Nil => result

dec match
case Decision(PartialAssignment(optVariables), cnf) =>
optVariables match
case ::(head, next) =>
case ::(head, tail) =>
head match
case OptionalVariable(name, None) =>
getLiteralType(name, cnf) match
getLiteralType(name, cnf :: Nil) match
case Some(Pure(c)) => Some(c)
case _ => pureLiteralIdentification(Decision(PartialAssignment(next), cnf))
case OptionalVariable(_, _) => pureLiteralIdentification(Decision(PartialAssignment(next), cnf))
case _ => pureLiteralIdentification(Decision(PartialAssignment(tail), cnf))
case OptionalVariable(_, _) =>
pureLiteralIdentification(Decision(PartialAssignment(tail), cnf))
case Nil => None
30 changes: 12 additions & 18 deletions src/main/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/cnf/CNFSat.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import satify.model.cnf.Bool.{False, True}
import satify.model.cnf.CNF.{And, Not, Or, Symbol}
import satify.model.cnf.{Bool, CNF}

import scala.annotation.tailrec

private[dpll] object CNFSat:

/** Check if the given CNF is UNSAT.
Expand All @@ -12,25 +14,17 @@ private[dpll] object CNFSat:
def isUnsat(cnf: CNF): Boolean =

/** Returns true if CNF is a Symbol(False), d otherwise. */
val f: (CNF, Boolean) => Boolean = (cnf, d) =>
cnf match
case Symbol(False) => true
case _ => d
def loop(cnfList: List[CNF], result: Boolean = false): Boolean =
cnfList match
case Nil => result
case And(left, right) :: tail => loop(left :: right :: tail)
case head :: tail =>
head match
case Not(Symbol(True)) | Symbol(False) => true
case _ => loop(tail)

cnf match
case Not(Symbol(_: String)) | Symbol(_: String) | Not(Symbol(False)) | Symbol(True) | Or(_, _) => false
case Not(Symbol(True)) | Symbol(False) => true
case And(left, right) =>
if isUnsat(left) then true
else if isUnsat(right) then true
else false
loop(cnf :: Nil)

/** Check if the given CNF is SAT.
* @param cnf expression in Conjunctive Normal Form.
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
package satify.update.solver.dpll.cnf

import satify.model.cnf.Bool.{False, True}
import satify.model.cnf.CNF
import satify.model.cnf.{CNF, Literal}
import satify.model.cnf.CNF.*
import satify.model.solver.Constraint

import scala.annotation.tailrec

private[dpll] object CNFSimplification:

/** Simplify the CNF applying the constraint given as parameter.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,8 +43,7 @@ private[dpll] object CNFSimplification:

(f(cnf, cnf) match
case And(left, right) =>
And(simplifyUppermostOr(left, constr), simplifyUppermostOr(right, constr))
case And(left, right) => And(simplifyUppermostOr(left, constr), simplifyUppermostOr(right, constr))
case Or(left, right) =>
1. Check if left branch is a True constant or the constrained Variable:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,6 +172,49 @@ private[dpll] object CNFSimplification:
* @return Updated CNF
private def updateCnf[T <: CNF](cnf: T, constr: Constraint): T =

case class Frame(cnf: CNF, done: List[CNF], todos: List[CNF])

def childAsList(cnf: CNF): List[CNF] = cnf match
case Symbol(value) => Nil
case And(left, right) => left :: right :: Nil
case Or(left, right) => left :: right :: Nil
case Not(branch) => branch :: Nil

def step(stack: List[Frame]): CNF = stack match
case Frame(cnf, done, Nil) :: tail =>
val ret =
done match
case ::(head, next) =>
cnf match
case And(_, _) =>
And(next.head.asInstanceOf[Or | Literal], head.asInstanceOf[And | Or | Literal])
case Or(_, _) => Or(next.head.asInstanceOf[Or | Literal], head.asInstanceOf[Or | Literal])
case Not(_) => Not(head.asInstanceOf[Symbol])
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Error $cnf")
case Nil =>
cnf match
case Symbol(name: String) if name == =>
if constr.value then Symbol(True)
else Symbol(False)
case s @ Symbol(value) => Symbol(value)
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Error $cnf")

tail match
case Nil => ret
case Frame(tn, td, tt) :: more => step(Frame(tn, ret :: td, tt) :: more)

case Frame(label, done, x :: xs) :: tail =>
childAsList(x) match
case Nil => step(Frame(x, Nil, Nil) :: Frame(label, done, xs) :: tail)
case children @ _ => step(Frame(x, Nil, children) :: Frame(label, done, xs) :: tail)
case Nil =>
throw new Error("Stack should never be empty")

step(List(Frame(cnf, Nil, childAsList(cnf)))).asInstanceOf[T]

/*private def updateCnf[T <: CNF](cnf: T, constr: Constraint): T =
(cnf match
case Symbol(name: String) if name == =>
if constr.value then Symbol(True)
Expand All @@ -180,3 +224,4 @@ private[dpll] object CNFSimplification:
case Not(symbol) => Not(updateCnf(symbol, constr))
case _ => cnf
70 changes: 45 additions & 25 deletions src/main/scala/satify/update/solver/dpll/impl/DpllFinder.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import satify.update.solver.dpll.cnf.CNFSimplification.simplifyCnf
import satify.update.solver.dpll.impl.DpllFinder.{findNext, resume}
import satify.update.solver.dpll.utils.PartialAssignmentUtils.*

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.Random

private[solver] object DpllFinder:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,32 +43,39 @@ private[solver] object DpllFinder:
case (_, UNSAT) => Solution(UNSAT, COMPLETED, Nil)

/** Runs the DPLL algorithm resuming a previous run, if present.
* @return an assignment, different from the previous ones, filled with a list
* of variables if there's another satisfiable, an empty list otherwise.
def findNext(): Option[Assignment] =
prevRun match
case Some(DpllRun(dt, s)) =>
extractAssignment(dt, prevRun) match
case Some(DpllRun(prevDt, s @ Solution(SAT, PARTIAL, _))) =>
extractAssignment(prevDt, prevRun) match
case None =>
resume(dt) match
resume(prevDt) match
case (dt, SAT) =>
val optAssignment = extractAssignment(dt, prevRun)
optAssignment match
extractAssignment(dt, prevRun) match
case Some(assignment) =>
prevRun = Some(DpllRun(dt, Solution(SAT, PARTIAL, assignment +: s.assignments)))
case _ =>
case (_, UNSAT) => None
case _ if dt != prevDt =>
prevRun = Some(DpllRun(dt, s))
case _ => None
case (dt, UNSAT) =>
prevRun = Some(DpllRun(dt, Solution(SAT, COMPLETED, s.assignments)))
case optAssignment @ Some(assignment) =>
prevRun = Some(DpllRun(dt, Solution(SAT, PARTIAL, assignment +: s.assignments)))
prevRun = Some(DpllRun(prevDt, Solution(SAT, PARTIAL, assignment +: s.assignments)))
case Some(_) => None
case None => throw new NoSuchElementException("No previous instance of DPLL")

/** Finder DPLL algorithm.
* It returns a new decision tree with a new SAT leaf, if any.
* Otherwise, the updated decision tree with all UNSAT leafs.
* @param d decision to be made
* @param d decision to be made
* @param rnd random number generator to make pseudo random decisions.
* @return updated decision tree along with the result
Expand All @@ -84,6 +92,7 @@ private[solver] object DpllFinder:
else (Leaf(d), if isSat(d.cnf) then SAT else UNSAT)

/** Resume the computation of DPLL given an existing instance of decision tree.
* @param dt decision tree returned on the previous run.
* @return the updated decision tree along with the new result.
Expand All @@ -103,49 +112,60 @@ private[solver] object DpllFinder:

/** Extract a new assignment from the decision tree s.t. it is not contained in the previous
* DPLL run given in input.
* @param dt decision tree where to extract the assignment
* @param dt decision tree where to extract the assignment
* @param prevRun previous DPLL run with the current extracted solution.
* @return a filled assignment if it exists, or an empty one.
private def extractAssignment(dt: DecisionTree, prevRun: Option[DpllRun]): Option[Assignment] =
pa <- extractParAssignments(dt)
assignment <- pa.toAssignments
if prevRun.fold(true)(run => !(run.s.assignments contains assignment))
yield assignment).distinct match
case ::(head, _) => Some(head)
case Nil => None

/** Filter generated variables (from encodings / converter) and do the cartesian product
* of all the possible assignments
* @param pa partial assignment
* @return assignments
/* /** Filter generated variables (from encodings / converter) and do the cartesian product
* of all the possible assignments
* @param pa partial assignment
* @return assignments
def filterAndExplore(pa: PartialAssignment): List[Assignment] = pa match
case PartialAssignment(optVariables) =>
optVariables.filter(v =>
v match
case OptionalVariable(name, _)
if name.startsWith(encodingVarPrefix) || name.startsWith(converterVarPrefix) =>
if name.startsWith(encodingVarPrefix) || name.startsWith(converterVarPrefix) =>
case _ => true

/** Returns the next assignment.
* @param assignments to filter
* @param prevRun filters assignments.
* @return a filled assignment from the list of [[assignments]] given in input s.t. it is
* not containted in [[prevRun]], an empty one otherwise.
* @param assignments to filter
* @param prevRun filters assignments.
* @return a filled assignment from the list of [[assignments]] given in input s.t. it is
* not containted in [[prevRun]], an empty one otherwise.
def nextAssignment(assignments: List[Assignment], prevRun: Option[DpllRun]): Option[Assignment] =
prevRun match
case Some(pr) =>
val newAssignments = assignments.filter(a => !(pr.s.assignments contains a))
if newAssignments.nonEmpty then Some(newAssignments.head) else None
case None if assignments.nonEmpty => Some(assignments.head)
case _ => None

dt match
case Leaf(Decision(s @ PartialAssignment(_), cnf)) =>
case Leaf(Decision(s@PartialAssignment(_), cnf)) =>
cnf match
case Symbol(True) => nextAssignment(filterAndExplore(s), prevRun)
case _ => None
case Branch(_, left, right) =>
extractAssignment(left, prevRun) match
case a @ Some(_) => a
case a@Some(_) => a
case _ => extractAssignment(right, prevRun)